A reiki massage is a little different from a typical massage in that the spiritual, emotional, and physical body is incorporated into the healing modality. There is feather light touch to deep tissue depending on the blockages in the chakras. The applied pressure is dependent on the required balancing of harmony specific to your needs.
A typical session starts with an intentional prayer for healing for the highest good of the recipient. If there is an area of focus requested by the client, the intention is set. There is music played for attuning to the 7 solfeggio frequencies. Then the healing begins. There are swirling motions across the body that vary in pressure from light as a feather touch to deep tissue depending on the blockage of energy being released. Clients describe it as a deep state of relaxation that allows their whole body to loosen and feel rejuvenated. Oils can be used during the session so after the session a shower is available if needed.