Stone Lake Massage
I am Kaarin Lysen, LMT, of Stone Lake Massage. I'm a medical massage therapist and bodywork professional with years of experience working with athletes, injured individuals, car accident victims, and pregnant and postpartum parents. I work with a unique mindset and collection of techniques, and a deep knowledge of anatomy and kinesiology. Countless people have told me that I gave them a massage like they have never experienced before. I focus on muscles that other massages therapists ignore, zeroing in on functional corrections and solving problems at the source.
I am a science-based practitioner that will work with you to uncover the underlying causes of your pain and discomfort, never satisfied to treat symptoms alone. I view massage as preventative medicine as well as corrective, and will do everything in my power to help you live a happy, pain-free life. Every visit includes time and space to talk about how your body is feeling and what I can do to bring about the most positive change, complete with comfortable chairs, tea, and blankets.
I completed my training at Northwest Academy for the Healing Arts and was licensed as a massage therapist in 2014. I received my perinatal massage education in 2023 from Chesley Swan, the premier perinatal massage therapist in Western Washington.
I love my work because I get to solve all the strange puzzles of the human body every day, while also helping people get out of pain and stay that way. I'm never bored, because every body has a unique history, with a unique set of pains and tensions, and needs to be treated as such. I'm excited to meet you, to work with you, and to discover how I can help you be your best self.