To the Health and wellness world, thank you for visiting. I am a traveling massage therapist, offering different services for different needs.
Standard Massage
The time length will be 1 Hour and 30 minutes. Undress to your comfortability and please shower beforehand.
This massage will consist of a full body stretch along with a full body massage. Lastly, exfoliating of the hands and feet. RATE $140.00
Hot Stone Massage
The time length will be 1 Hour and 45 minutes. Undress to your comfortability nd please shower beforehand.
This massage includes a full body stretch along with a full body massage. Hot stones will be throughout the entire massage. Stone placements on the body can be requested. RATE $165.00
Meditation Session
The time length will be 1 hour. Both hands and feet will be massaged as relaxing sounds are playing with exfoliating included. Last but not least, an aroma facial tension release. RATE $70.00 *MASSAGE GUN USED UPON REQUEST*
Stretch Release
Time Length is 1 hour. Entire body will be stretched in the allotted time available. No clothes removal is required. *Massage GUN USED UPON REQUEST* Rate $60.00