Hi my name is Eric, and welcome to my site. I have been a medical massage therapist for 35 years now. The Biggest question is what is the difference between medical massage and regular massage? Primarily the biggest difference is I am working on an outcome basis. Meeting I am not trying to just generally relax the body, I have hey goal in mind. I am trying to correct an imbalance, And alleviate pain Long term! What makes me different from other massage therapists is in my training. The average requirement and the state of Missouri for relaxation massage therapist is 500 hours. I completed that 500 hours in nineteen eighty-three1983 and have continued my education by at least 100 hours of continuing education a year for the last 35 years!! Therefore the amount of training that I have is very extensive, I am trained in all aspects of the human body. Besides specializing in pain relief, I am also a licensed Lymphologist, meaning I am educated and trained in the body's lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is the bodies waste disposal and an immune system. Therefore any inflammation or auto immune diseases that cause inflammation, even down to sinus problems can be addressed and alleviated through lymphatic work. I am also trained in MPS therapy which is micro point stimulation,(basically acupuncture without needles) this is good for basically anything acupuncture can be use for Health issues, Or pain. I am also trained in myofascial release, NMT which is neuromuscular reeducation work or trigger point work. I am also a MAT musculoskeletal alignment practitioner, I specialize in scar treatment. The reduction and elimination of scar tissue. I'm also trained in pregnancy massage, I have helped hundreds of women with her pregnancies. And even though I specialize and all this work I can still give a phenomenal relaxation massage! I would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have please contact me at my business number Area code 314 651-8151 or you can go to my website at EF massage.com or just Google my name Eric Freukes LMMT. Thank you for your time looking forward to working with you! Thanks, Eric
taylor B.
Brook L.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Pick Typical process for working with a new client will be a client intake form. From that form I will not discuss any problems that you maybe having, and any doctor recommendations. Next I will give you a complete functional assessment, to personally observe any dysfunctions and intake any information I may need to set up a plan for your rehabilitation and or alleviation of pain.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have been a medical massage therapist for 35 years! What separates me from a normal relaxation massage therapist is education. Example: in the state of Missouri the requirements for a massage license is 500 clock hours of education. I not only graduated massage school in 1983 with 600 clock hours of education I have continued to educate myself with a minimum over 100 hours per year of continued education!! So were looking somewhere around 4000 hours of continue education! I am also a licensed Lymphologist, meaning I am trained to deal with anything in the immune system also in the alleviation of swelling anywhere in the body for any reason! I am also trained in MPS which is micro point stimulation,(basically acupuncture without needles) anything that can be done to the use of acupuncture meridians can be achieved with this machine. I also specialize in scar tissue the elimination and or reduction of scar tissue, And any problems related to the attachment of scar tissue after surgery. I am also trained as a MAT practitioner which is muscle skeletal alignment. NMT practitioner which is neuromuscular alignment technique to free any nerve impingement's. I also work with people suffering from TMJ pain. I am also trained in pregnancy massage, I have helped hundreds of women throughout their pregnancy with any pain swelling nausea, or any other complaints due to being pregnant. The list continues. I would be happy to explain and answer any questions that anyone may have regarding my qualifications and experience.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Relaxation/pain massage $90
Scar adhesion/ elimination from surgery $100
Lymphatic drainage/ lymphedema/ cancer $100
Micro point stimulation/ acupuncture without needles/$100
Plastic surgery/ elimination of bruising/ swelling/ scar $100
Inter oral work/ TMJ $50
Out call fee $50
The ultimate package which is 90 minutes of combined services $150
How did you get started in this business?
I got started in business in 1983 after being involved in automobile accident and experiencing both chiropractic and massage I was able to go back to work when nothing else hoped I saw Drs. I went to physical therapy, I did chiropractic, but it was the massage that made the difference in got me back to work. It made me wonder what do these guys know that nobody else does? How come they can help me when all the rest of these professionals cannot? It influenced me so much that I actually went to massage school and decided to make it my career!
What types of customers have you worked with?
In my 35 years I have dealt with almost every situation and customer imaginable. I have worked on everyone from newborn babies to the oldest patient I believe that I've worked on was 104! I have dealt with everything from just general relaxation. To cancer/ trauma involving accidents/ all types of surgeries and complications they're from. Scar tissue, And adhesions, bruising and swelling. Pregnancies from Non eventful to problem pregnancies. TMJ problems in the jaw. Headache/ Migraine sufferers. And the list goes on on! If you don't see your particular problem here, It doesn't mean that I haven't seen it we're dealt with it, I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I recently worked with a spinal cord injury victim, 24-year-old woman that had a tree fall on her and break her back and sever her spinal cord. After five years from the accident with no movement whatsoever in her extremities I was able to initiate and reconnect some of the nervous system and for the first time she could feel the sensation in her extremities and begin to I have movement!!
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
My advice would be to do your research! Depending on what you were looking for ,you're due diligence will pay off. If you were looking for general relaxation, that is a person with that particular skill set. If you are looking for elimination of pain that is another skill set. My advice would be to treat any search for any medical practitioner the same as you would for a doctor surgeon etc. Find someone who is educated in exactly what you need! Check their accreditations and licenses and make an informed decision.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
Again, do your research, have a general idea of what you need and what you're talking about. As an informed consumer you can now interview your potential health care provider with confidence in the knowledge that you're making the right decision