DiscoverMYO & Massage
I can do a therapeutic massage or a relaxation massage. If there is a problem area that needs to be addressed, I will assess and try to figure out the source of the problem. Using a variety of techniques during the session, I work find the most efficient and effective way to help relieve pain or discomfort. I feel I am intuitive, and my pressure is enough to do the job without inflicting more pain. For a therapeutic massage I involve you and your brain (active muscle engagement) to make the session more effective. If we can change the brain, we change the pain. The brain needs to feels safe in order to let the body move freely, especially after an injury or chronic pain issue. The idea is to break the pain cycle and that is first accomplished in the brain. For a relaxation massage, I simply let you relax. I don't use scented products and they are hypoallergenic. Let me know your goals for a massage session and I will do my very best to help you achieve those. My passion is providing a great service.