I'm so glad you're looking to find a space to unwind. May you receive all that your being needs to thrive in this world.
I thought I'd introduce myself a little bit:
I'm an artist at heart, and the human body is my favorite canvas from choreographing dance/theatre, Physical Theatre, Contact Improv, Acroyoga, somatic meditation and, of course, massage. There is much to be interwoven amongst those mediums, and my quality of touch is influenced by these practices. When I massage I often bring in deeper gravitational currents of the ocean.
My deep love of the Earth and endless desire to support humanity to transform, awaken and flourish with our planet, influences all my work. I am passionate about strengthening our connection with self and planet with each of our sessions. Our environment is priceless, and as such I strive to work as closely with nature as possible.
With both my parents being body workers and growing up in experimental healing communities, I have been massaging my entire life. Child-form Kaya had her hands on someone's shoulders and back at every party- and much hasn't changed! Somatic communication is both my most natural form of connecting and what I've most formally trained in. My hands, body, heart, mind and soul is listening, I am present, and I welcome all communication for how I can better facilitate your healing.
My formal massage training is from Esalen institute in Big Sur, CA- there I studied Thai massage, Cranio sacral, deep bodywork, prenatal massage and became a certified advanced esalen massage practitioner and CMT.