Jordan Soulful Massage

Jordan Soulful Massage



I am a single mother of two beautiful girls and I started this business to be able to have a craft to pass down to them. we enjoy just being in tune with one another and having positive vibes all around. I started massage to be able to work on my own time and still be able to be an active mother in my children's lives. it's became so much more than that in overwhelming ways. starting massage my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer by the end of my schooling with massage my mother was breast cancer free. I'm not saying that I healed her per say but all of the things I've learned through massage and just self care really helped my mother through that difficult time and it really taught me the benefits and healing properties of massage. I just want to share that beautiful gift with others through body work.


1 employee
5 years in business
Serves La Quinta , CA

Payment methods

Cash, Venmo, Square, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Zelle


Massage type

Swedish massage (standard), Deep tissue massage, Thai massage, Sports massage, Medical massage, Reflexology, Hot stone massage, Pregnancy massage

Number of people

1 person, 2 people

Gender preference

Female therapists

Session length

30 minute session, 60 minute session, 90 minute session

No reviews (yet)

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Services offered

Massage Therapy
Body Wrap
Alternative Healing