BL Acupuncture Inc
Our clinic practicing multiple modalities within Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. The goal of the clinic is to improve the quality of life of our patients by alleviating pain, boosting energy levels, reducing stress, and bringing harmony to the whole body.
Insurance that covers physical therapy, Insurance that may cover physical therapy, No insurance or insurance that doesn't cover physical therapy
Client age
Younger than 18, 18 - 22 years old, 23 - 30 years old, 31 - 40 years old, 41 - 50 years old, 51 - 60 years old, 61 - 70 years old, 71 or older
Area of the body
Back, Neck, Arms, Legs / feet, Hips, Other body regions
Photos and videos
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Services offered
Physical Therapy
Massage Therapy