I am a Nurse, Massage Therapist, ,Holistic Health Practitioner, Certifiedl Clinical Hypnotherapist
I have helped many clients to transform their lives back to health, balance, peace, and joy again.
My hypnosis business has helped many folks achieve their goals, overcome all addictions, grief, loss issues, relationship and financial issues,
I am certified in many massage styles, Swedish, Deep Tissue, reflexology, shiatsu, Lomi-Lomi, medical massage, relaxation, therapeutic, sports, russian sports, acupressure, trigger point. couples massage, tai massage, reiki, various energy healing modalities.
I have worked in a few high end hotels and healing centers, 20 years experience.
I enjoy helping client to health their issues, body, mind, and spirit. I get to see a major shift in them before and after a treatment.
Gerald H.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
Customer call me or email with questions about my work.
They set up an appointment to see me. I live in Palm Springs. on East Palm Canyon.
I offer Massage, Hypnosis, Holistic Coaching. Nursing consulting
I am trained in 20 styles of massage.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Nursing Degree
Holistic Health Practitioner
Massage Therapist training over 1,000 hours
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, State of California
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
1 hour Massage $99.00
90 minute massage $120.00
Hypnosis 110.00 hr
Holistic Health consulting $99.00
How did you get started in this business?
was doing Nursing, and studying holistic health.
went to massage school, then holistic health, then hypnotherapy
What types of customers have you worked with?
body builders
injuries, accidents.
medical issues, all kinds, frozen shoulder, back injuries,
construction workers, firemen, priests,