As a 24 year Licensed massausse, you may "knot" find "more" practiced touch of RnR-Rx, HeaLth WeaLth, or trigger point therapy with RoLfing styLe of depth. "I feeL I do what I Love, You Love what I FeeL DUE"
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Jean B.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I describe massage shouLd feeL good, some maybe not as good, neither the receiver or giver shouLd hurt more than before bodywork. Trigger point therapy is a rehab/correctionaL, or preventative modaLity D.C.s use in office to aid injury and repetitive use syndromes (symptomatic pain or daiLy aches). 1-10 scaLe, 10 the worst, if your not breathing, or tensing up other pLaces, that is an 8 and too much pressure: 7 is the "hurt good", ur threshold, or the Theraputic vaLue of Less "knotty" weLL-beingness I term, HeaLthiness. U r draped as a boundary for both of our safety, & I onLy expose the area I'm paLpating whiLe I'm "Listening to ur body's Language". I excuse myseLf untiLL receiver is underneath drape and they permit me to approach the tabLe and introduce medicaL touch as a seLf heLp or home care treatment. Intake form and contraindications are verbaLLy addressed before agreed as to the styLe, cause, type or duration of massage begins, as receiving they are the boss of what touch they're requesting and determine the Length of exposure is enough for feeLing massage therapy.