5.0(1 review)
Offers online services
Offers online services


As a 24 year Licensed massausse, you may "knot" find "more" practiced touch of RnR-Rx, HeaLth WeaLth, or trigger point therapy with RoLfing styLe of depth. "I feeL I do what I Love, You Love what I FeeL DUE"


Hired 24 times
1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Mesa , AZ
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Square, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Zelle


Massage type

Swedish massage (standard), Deep tissue massage, Sports massage, Medical massage, Reflexology, Hot stone massage

Number of people

1 person, 2 people

Gender preference

Female therapists

Session length

30 minute session, 60 minute session, 90 minute session, 120 minute session

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Jean B.

    Very professional and excellent at targeting trouble areas.
    ... Show more
    April 28, 2022
    Hired on Thervo

    Frequently asked questions

    I describe massage shouLd feeL good, some maybe not as good, neither the receiver or giver shouLd hurt more than before bodywork. Trigger point therapy is a rehab/correctionaL, or preventative modaLity D.C.s use in office to aid injury and repetitive use syndromes (symptomatic pain or daiLy aches). 1-10 scaLe, 10 the worst, if your not breathing, or tensing up other pLaces, that is an 8 and too much pressure: 7 is the "hurt good", ur threshold, or the Theraputic vaLue of Less "knotty" weLL-beingness I term, HeaLthiness. U r draped as a boundary for both of our safety, & I onLy expose the area I'm paLpating whiLe I'm "Listening to ur body's Language". I excuse myseLf untiLL receiver is underneath drape and they permit me to approach the tabLe and introduce medicaL touch as a seLf heLp or home care treatment. Intake form and contraindications are verbaLLy addressed before agreed as to the styLe, cause, type or duration of massage begins, as receiving they are the boss of what touch they're requesting and determine the Length of exposure is enough for feeLing massage therapy.

    Nevada SchooL of Massage Therapy Oct. 1999-May 2000 815.5 hours Pro Massage therapy Grad. Anatomy & Trigger Point Therapy Teaching Assistant NSMT, Las Vegas NV. JUNE 2000-Mar.2022 Jan. 2001 ELemis Spa@pLanet HoLLywood resort Las Vegas, NV. LIFESTYLE CONSULTANT SERVICE PROVIDER OCT. 2001-SEPT. 2003 NVLMT722 02/2006 reciprocity AZLMT#09539 May 2007-present
    $1 per 1 minute & the more time scheduLed Less cost as im aLready working.... $30 / 30 minutes $45 / 1 hour $75 / 90 minutes $110 / 2 hours
    I trueLy LoVe what i do. I discovered scoLiosis in High schooL basketbaLL bench warming B team. My hoListic journey began chiropractic, and massage heLps me heLp you, heLp myseLf...
    AthLetes, tourists, ceLebrities, massage addicts, pain management, student cLinic, friends & famiLy, i massage those that want to recieve touch.
    1st PiLates cLass from a massage reciever, for the physicaLity of core muscLe work.
    Be specific. HeLp me heLp you. During consuLtation or intake, remember daiLy repetitive use symptoms of stress tension, or trigger point referraLs of feeLing where its "knot" Differences of posture, sLeep, ergonomics, or changes in home/famiLy/enviorment if acute (sudden onset) or chronic (usuaL, aches pain constant.
    Home seLf care. Breathing sync depth of pressure. Diagnosis physicians ordets or breif description of how, where, & what they feeL if worse during day, waking/out of bed, or sLeep quaLity does it prevent rest or awakened during night, cramps? H20 hydration & dizzy Ligjtheaded, nausea can be as an instant overdose of increased circuLation using skin as Largest organ to temove waste pushed into bLood stream from "stripping" or friction of massage therapy "kneading" fasciaL adhesions, or knots, a.k.a. trigger points.

    Services offered

    Massage Therapy