Restore Massage Therapy

Restore Massage Therapy



My service stands out because over time I have learned to treat the clients needs and not the clients ailments. I feel that the body wants function restored, so that our bodies can continue to heal themselves. Through massage therapy, we begin to remove the dysfuntion and to restore function. Our innate intelligence tells our body that we want to heal and remove pain.

I love to help restore function to my clients life, so that they can live the best they possibly can.

Massage therapy and Chiropractic have helped me maintain health and wellness in my own personal life. While I love what I do, I didn't choose massage therapy as a career. Massage therapy chose me.


1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Madison , AL


Massage type

Swedish massage (standard), Deep tissue massage, Sports massage, Hot stone massage

Number of people

1 person, 2 people

Gender preference

Male or female therapists, Female therapists, Male therapists

Session length

30 minute session, 60 minute session, 90 minute session, 120 minute session

No reviews (yet)

Ask this provider for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

I have a short intake form for new clients to fill out, along with a brief discussion of their medical history and present ailments. 

Madison School of Massage Therapy, graduated - May 2013

Upledger Institute, Craniosacral Therapy -  June 2020

$30 - 30 minutes

$60 - 60 minutes

$90 - 90 minutes

I got started in this business because I received massage therapy and chiropractic care growing up and playing sports. Massage Therapy helped me tremendously. I felt that desire to help others experience the same thing. 

I have worked with children and senior citizens and everyone in between. I often work with athletes, but I don't have any preferences. 

Services offered

Massage Therapy