Kindful Place Therapy Center
Thank you so much for considering Kindful Place Therapy Center. We’re glad you are considering counseling; it is a big step. We hope you will join us.
Here are some common reasons people contact us:
o Angry Kids: Is your kiddo struggling to act like they should be? Kids might act out when they're upset, like feeling angry, frustrated, or confused. They might struggle with things like loss, family changes, or new people, especially because kids process these things differently than us adults. We’re here to help with that!
o Younger Angry Kids: Is your kiddo 5-8 years old? Do they struggle to make good choices when they are upset? We have a 10-week program specifically for that, where work with you and your kiddo. We use the co-founder/co-owner’s multi-children's award finalist book, Our Choices, and journal, which you will get free of charge if you sign up to the program.
o Frustrated Parents: We support parents by highlighting what they’re already doing great, introducing new tools, and following up on how things are going.
o Disconnected Families: Does it feel like your family is just not connecting the way a family should be connecting? We’re here to assist in re-connecting you as a family unit.
o Not ready for therapy but just want some skills/tips: Non-Clinical individual consultations may be perfect for you! We can help you to understand a loved one who is struggling with their mental health, or we can help you to increase your skills without jumping into full-fledged therapy!
o Everyone else: Sometimes, we struggle to feel like we are the best version of ourselves. It can be helpful to have a safe space to talk about your emotions and learn how to cope. That is what we are here! If you are unsure if we can help you, send us an email, or fill out our contact form at https://www.kindfulplacetherapy.org! We’d love to talk!