Jerome S Blackman, MD, PC
My patients usually already know something is wrong. They tend to be successful people who are nonetheless suffering with panic attacks, depression, or personality problems like procrastination, painful shyness, or avoidance of conflict, sexual inhibitions, porn addictions, and marital infidelity.
Because of my patients' need for confidentiality, my consultation room is soundproof, and I have a separate waiting room so people do not exit my office through thewaiting room. Filing for insurance benefits is entirely up to my patients, after paying my fees directly to me (I will help by providing the necessary codes if requested).
Psychiatric residency training and many years of analytic study of child, adolescent and adult development prepared me to help patients understand previously unconscious defense mechanisms and conflicts.
My 45 years of experience and academic involvement (Full Professor of Psychiatry at EVMS) enabled me to author 3 nationally and internationally known books on defenses, diagnosis, and therapy problems.
Website and cv: JeromeBLACKMANmd.com
office phone 767-463-3000
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
When you call 757-463-3000, Jean, my office manager will take your number. I will then call you back, myself, to have a private telephone conversation about your concerns. We can then decide if a consultation is indicated, and after that, if any further treatment may be needed.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Cornell Univ Arts and Sciences
Tulane Medical school
Psychiatry Residency at LSU - New Orleans
Psychoanalytic and Child Psychoanalyst Training, American Psychoanalytic institute
How did you get started in this business?
Private practice in New Orleans 1975-86
private practice in Virginia Beach 1986-