I offer professional counseling as a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor for "fees" that virtually guarantee you can afford me. My practice is set up so that I accept contributions to charities in thanksgiving for the progress my clients make. I perform this service in my disability retirement and donate ALL monies I collect to well-chosen charities that help those who have trouble helping themselves.
I have a PhD in Counseling Psychology, a Master in Theology, and a Bachelor's in Music Education. I have a well-selling book on relationships, "Living Your 'Happily Ever After,'" and a book of meditations on the 23rd Psalm.
As a medically-retired-disabled person, I know the depression, anxiety, and anger that can come one's way through what the world throws at you from time to time. I use my personal experience as a patient of compassionate psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors to empower my funtioning for the welfare of others. As an Anglican (Episcopal) priest for 35+ years, I include spirituality for clients who wish to add that to their therapy.
More about what I do, my credentials, client evaluations of my services, etc., can be found at www.Dr-Bosworth.com. I can be reached between 9 am and 9 pm at 859.475.4475. I currently see clients three days a week, as much as my schedule and health will permit, and although most of my clients visit with me in my Fort Worth office, I do have Facetijme and Sype clients in other US states and countries throughout the world.
I am here to serve you, and am much more interested in your well-being and health than I am in your checkbook. Ring me and we can visit about how I might serve you!
The Rev'd Dr Robert W Bosworth, Jr., PhD, LCPC
I love seeing my clients improve and get to the point where they don't need me anymore! Depending on the client, there are things we can do in the very first session that relieve anxiety and stress, lighten depression, and improve the quality of life even after just one visit. It's fun watching people leave feeling better than when they arrived!
I also thoroughly enjoy watching the progress couples make when they are committed to each other and are willing to work together for the welfare of their realtionship and, when applicable, the welfare of their children and families. This gives me great joy.
Relationship status
Customers needing counseling
Counseling goals
Gender preference
Photos and videos

Pat W.
Pauline H.
Jane K.
Elizabeth S.
Priscila T.
Tiffany H.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I like to visit in detail with new clients to find out what their needs are and outline a treatment plan that will accomplish their goals. For couples, I meet with them together for the first visit, I then visit with them individually, and bring them back as a couple to present a treatment plan. I believe in directness and being a good steward of time and money. My techniques involve getting to the root of problems and opportunities as quickly as possible and finding practical solutions to improve life for all involved. (I frequently use professional psychological testing to help me determine which direction my counsel might take.)