My passion is helping people realize that treating their bodies well is more beneficial most would think . Your body is your temple and you should do everything you can to maintain it , this includes routine massages to not only ease aches and pains but to also flush your body of toxins . I have been working as a massage therapist for over 4 years, also being certified in cupping therapy, certified in stretching as well as offering hot stones for the muscles to get pure relaxation.
1 employee
5 years in business
Serves Little Ferry , NJ
Payment methods
Credit Card, Cash, Venmo, Paypal, Square, Apple Pay, Zelle, Bitcoin
Experience with alternative healing
Customers with previous alternative healing experience, Customers with no previous alternative healing experience
Treatment type
Craniosacral therapy, Chiropractic / osteopathy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, The healer's recommendation
Photos and videos
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Services offered
Massage Therapy
Alternative Healing