Elevation Acupuncture & Herbs
Melissa is master acupuncturist and has been in practice for over 18 years. Providing safe, natural, and effective relief to a vast array of health conditions, Melissa works to achieve balance and a sense of well-being within her patients. Approaching her patients with kindness and compassion, she provides patients with a sense of safety, relaxation, and healing. Melissa employs a gentle Japanese acupuncture approach blended with modern Chinese techniques. Exceptional at achieving whole-body balance, Japanese-style acupuncture works to heal current health problems and is effective as preventative medicine. Melissa has a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine, she is also a diplomat of Oriental Medicine, a certified and licensed acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, and Asian bodywork. She also incorporates sound and vibrational healing. Melissa’s area of expertise is in the treatment of painful conditions, and she is also very experienced in women’s health and fertility. She is certified in cosmetic acupuncture, as well. Melissa also provides a lot of relief to oncology patients. She has always had good results with complicated cases, and is able to support patients who have not been able to find relief through Western medical modalities.