Hello, thank you for allowing me to give you a comprehensive massage, the main reason for which is to give your body a rest and, above all, to decontract and relax your back. The massage that I offer is complete, it starts from head to toe, going through arms and hands. In the back we focus special attention due to chronic ailments in some patients. I am a Massage Therapist, specialist in Reflexology and Tantric Massage. I have studies in nursing care and first aid. The products we use are: oils, lotions and gel from renowned and hypoallergenic brands. We have a bathroom so that the patient can take a shower before and after the massage. We offer tea and relaxing infusions before starting the therapy if the patient requires it.
It will be a real pleasure to be able to offer my services and relieve any pain that you have or simply to be able to give your body a good massage and rest.
I hope to see you soon, thank you
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james O.
Joseph B.
Katherine W.
Joe W.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
First I ask what pain afflicts you or if you just want a relaxation massage, according to your requirements and needs I will advance in the massage. Always asking what the patient needs and advising if necessary. I pay close attention to the parts that require more pressure or the parts that suffer from pain or poor posture.