Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions

Inner Soul Healing & Recovery Solutions

5.0Exceptional(17 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


Holistic psychotherapy and wellness focuses on the integration, alignment, and balance of the Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotions.

It is your time NOW to release what no longer serves you.

There isn't a day that goes by, where I do not practice Gratitude and Grace, in both my personal and professional life as a Doctor of Holistic Psychotherapy and Wellness.

I remind myself as to how incredibly rare it is .... To find a career which one is passionate about in this lifetime. I am truly honored and humbled, to play an intricate role in a client's journey toward self-love, self-discovery, working toward "becoming the very best version of themself", discovering their true life purpose and Authentic Self, and working toward finding the means of happiness and fulfillment, which is our "Birthright".

My Soul Purpose is to guide, teach, facilitate, heal, and influence others who choose to better themselves. There is no greater joy for me to watch an individual grow, evolve, and transform their life from point A to point Z.

It is my Humility, Grace, Humbleness, and Gratitude, which keep me grounded.

I adhere to a therapeutic approach toward healing, which emphasizes a "CHANGE IN MINDSET & PERSPECTIVE".

When you choose to look at things differently .... The things you look at .... CHANGE.

"Nothing changes .... If nothing changes".

In this ever-changing world, the only constant is "change".

"It Is You Against You".

It is always a choice to make the decision to do things differently.

You have the internal power to change. If you can change your thoughts, feelings, and behavior ........ Your Perception in turn, creates Your Perspective ........ And your Perspective Creates Your Reality.

Sometimes, the answers lie within the stillness.

๐Ÿ’Ÿ Self - Love and Self - Healing ๐Ÿ’Ÿ


Hired 2 times
2 employees
22 years in business
Serves West Allis , WI
Offers online services

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Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Square, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Stripe, Zelle

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  • Reviews

    0 reviews

    Photo of susan J.

    susan J.

    Help is just a click or a phone call away.
    Online and Telehealth Appointments Offered.
    (630) 779-0751
    800 W 5th Ave #2051, Naperville, IL 60563
    Contact Dr. Joanne L. Barian (Dr. Jo) at Polaris
    Offering a Holistic Wellness Treatment Approach to Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups. Mental Health / Chemical Dependency / Substance Abuse / Addiction Issues / Marriage and Family Therapy Dynamics /Relationship Issues.
    5 *****
    Dr. Joanne L. Barian (Dr. Jo) PSY.D.HP., MSW, LCSW, SAP, NCCAP, CHLC, GAHP, AAMFT
    5 Star Google
    It is a privilege to write about Dr. Joanne Barian and to highly recommend her therapy services. Few professionals have pursued such broad and rigorous training in the therapy arts as Dr. Joanne. She is exceptional in that she has transformed personal ordeal into a skilled, professional opportunity to compassionately guide others to heal from trauma and addiction. With Dr. Joanne, you have an experienced, proven therapist who knows the grim difficulties along the trail and has acquired the strength, wisdom, and heart to guide others along their journey into healing, transformation, and spiritual growth.
    Her wise, soothing, and healing work will not only motivate, but also promote a yearned-for and needed sense of well-being.
    Dr. Joanne has such a positive, affirming, loving presence and energy about her. She is
    completely present and uses her gift of intuition along with her vast coaching and counseling
    skills. These gifts shine through in her connection and compassionate support of those with
    whom she works enabling them to heal, grow and thrive.
    Dr. Joanne genuinely cares about helping people. Her unique approach, training, and experience is the perfect
    combination to help clients work equipment anxiety, depression, addiction, and other issues that take the joy
    out of life. She is extremely compassionate and caring, & demonstrates her true love & support for others, in
    everything she does. It is uplifting just to be in her presence and know that we she will help find an ideal
    plan. I have such gratitude for Dr. Joanne and the work she does. I love that she has helped move toward being
    the best version of myself. Her method of teaching & assisting others to discover their Authentic Selves,
    goes above & beyond a mere Holistic Psychotherapy approach, as she utilizes the personal struggles of her
    own, professional education & experiences, in helping her clients to become the best versions of
    themselves, Awaken their Spirit, & transform their lives. I would highly recommend Dr. Joanne without
    hesitation, to facilitate, guide, & pave the way toward achieving spiritual enlightenment, balance in all areas
    of life, & to live life consciously in freedom, happiness, peace, & love.
    Three things come to mind when I think of
    Dr. Joanne: Compassion, an Open Heart, and
    Determination. Dr. Joanne is dedicated to bring healing
    and peace to her clients. She is a life long learner -
    constantly sharpening her skills to bring about the best
    possible healing outcome, all with a sense of humor
    and a smile. If you are seeking support and change in
    any of her specialties you will be happy you reached
    out to Dr. Joanne. I would highly recommend her to
    become an integral part of your holistic & spiritual
    journey toward growth & development, healing your life,
    healing your Soul, & transforming your life.
    Dr. Joanne is a genuine professional. After working with her, your life will never be the same again.
    Thank you.
    Susan Johnson, RN, ANP
    Salt Lake City,
    ... Show more
    November 05, 2023

    Photo of mike T.

    mike T.

    5 Star Google
    January 16, 2022
    As part of our marital journey, my life partner and I, had made the courageous decision to seek a bit of guidance to deal with our primary issues involving conflict resolution, communication difficulties, financial struggles, and a lack of physical intimacy. Dr. Joanne Barian came Highly recommended, as a referral from our Primary Care Physician. My Spouse and I felt an immediate connection and rapport with Dr. Joanne during the first initial Couples therapy session. We both felt validated, heard, and attended to, throughout our treatment journey, which to this day has continued.
    Dr. Joanne is an amazing person, Mental Health Practitioner, Addiction Specialist, and Certified Energy Healer.
    Her skills as a Psychotherapist, combined with
    her life experiences have made her uniquely qualified to
    assist you on your journey back to your authentic self. Dr. Joanne has such a positive, affirming, loving presence and energy about her. She is completely present and uses her gift of intuition along with her vast coaching and counseling
    skills. These gifts shine through in her connection and compassionate support of those with
    whom she works enabling them to heal, grow and thrive.
    Dr. Joanne genuinely cares about helping people. Her unique approach, training, and experience is the perfect
    combination to help clients work equipment anxiety, depression, addiction, and other issues that take the joy
    out of life. She is extremely compassionate and caring, & demonstrates her true love & support for others, in
    everything she does. It is uplifting just to be in her presence and know that we she will help find an ideal
    plan. I have such gratitude for Dr. Joanne and the work she does. I love that she has helped move me, personally, toward developing a stronger sense of who I truly am and what I deserve, along with learning the tools to become the best version of myself. Her method of teaching & assisting others to discover their Authentic Selves,
    goes above & beyond a mere Holistic Psychotherapy approach, as she utilizes the personal struggles of her
    own, professional education & experiences, in helping her clients to become the best versions of
    themselves, Awaken their Spirit, & transform their lives. I would highly recommend Dr. Joanne without
    hesitation, to facilitate, guide, & pave the way toward achieving spiritual enlightenment, balance in all areas
    of life, & to live life consciously in freedom, happiness, peace, & love.
    I appreciate how
    helpful she has been guiding and supporting me as one of her loyal clients. Her compassion, wisdom and strength make her a very
    gifted therapist. Donโ€™t try to do it alone! Jo is just what
    you need to help you remove your obstacles and blocks
    and move forward to creating the new life you have
    been dreaming about!
    Betsy and Robert Bakersfield,
    Boston, MA
    ... Show more
    November 05, 2023


    Cherin M.

    I have been delighted to know Jo Ann as a
    Coaching Colleague through the Global
    Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and
    Coaching for the past year. Within moments of
    meeting her-- I could sense how deep her
    commitment to helping individuals on Soul Level
    Transformational is. Through the year-- I have
    also gotten to learn how Jo Anns commitment
    to transforming those in recovery is fully
    supported by her own life long journey of soul
    level growth, life experiences, by her extensive
    career in Psychotherapy and her own profound
    transformation. She has lived the path of
    change-- and I see no better individual to help
    assist those on the journey through recovery
    and back to the soul-- and away from the
    patterns and hardships of life through old
    conditioning. I am excited for Jo Ann and all of
    her future clients-- they are fortunate to have her
    knowledge, wisdom, expertise and her truly
    passionate committed support.
    Cherin R. - DETROIT, MI
    ... Show more
    June 18, 2021


    Catherine M.

    Testimonial for Joanne Barian:
    What I love about Joanne is that she is the โ€œreal
    dealโ€. When she speaks about her passion for
    assisting others in the powerful process of
    transforming their lives, she comes from a place
    of deep knowing and experience on both a
    personal and professional level. She embodies
    deep compassion and has numerous skills and
    tools for guiding others from a place of
    frustration and pain into alignment with their
    unique talents and gifts. Her credo is that โ€œitโ€™s
    never too late to be what you were meant to
    becomeโ€, and Joanne understands that when a
    person makes the courageous decision to step
    forward into changing their life they desire to
    feel a sense of support, stability and safety. She
    provides a container of safety and support that
    allows her clients to open to reconnecting with
    their spirit self in order to end their struggles,
    heal their wounds and love themselves as the
    amazing and unique person that they are meant
    to be. ~Catherine L., Minneapolis, MN
    ... Show more
    June 18, 2021


    Deb. F.

    Here is my testimonial for you:
    Jo Jo Barian is a dedicated, determined
    practitioner. She embodies a unique
    combination of toughness and tenderness,
    necessary qualities to have in the field of
    addictions. She knows, from the inside out, the
    complications of addictive behavior and the
    courage it takes to make healthy choices when
    old, destructive patterns are deeply set. Jo has
    strong convictions to work with the whole family,
    addressing the issues that lie at the root of the
    acting out behavior, diminishing shame, and
    developing and supporting integrity and
    cohesion within the family unit, whenever
    possible. Deb S.
    ... Show more
    June 18, 2021


    Nancy M.

    Joโ€™s amazing! Her skills as a counselor
    combined with her life experiences have made
    her uniquely qualified to assist you on your
    journey back to your authentic self. As a
    counselor and coach myself, I appreciate how
    helpful she has been guiding and supporting
    me. Donโ€™t try to do it alone! Jo is just what you
    need to remove your obstacles and blocks and
    move forward to creating your new life!
    ~ Nancy J., Boston, MA
    ... Show more
    June 18, 2021

    Frequently asked questions

    Helping to incorporate the Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotions, for the purpose of Growth, Development, Progression, Maturity, and Transformation. ๐Ÿฉต Assisting others in discovering the Joy, Happiness, Fulfillment, Prosperity, Abundance, "Self Love", Serenity, Grace, Gratitude, and Peace Within. ๐Ÿฉต Discovering and Tapping into your Natural Born Potential, Gifts and Talents, and "Inner Core Passion", all of which we truly deserve in life, and what remains as our "Birthright". ๐Ÿ’™ Services Offered: Holistic Psychotherapy Services Couples Therapy (Relationship Repair and Renewal) Mental Health and Wellness Services Addiction Services (Alcohol/Drugs/ Other Addictive Behavior Patterns) ๐Ÿ’™ ____________ ๐Ÿงก Discover Your "Why" - ๐Ÿงก Discover Your "What" - ๐Ÿงก Discover Your "How" - Learn How To: ๐Ÿ’š FEEL .... ๐Ÿ’š DEAL .... ๐Ÿ’š HEAL .... Whatever has caused the "pain and suffering" in your life and no longer serves a purpose. Learn To: โค๏ธ Uncover .... โค๏ธ Discover .... โค๏ธ Recover .... Self Limiting Beliefs that do the following: "Keep You Stuck". "Paralyzed By FEAR". "Stagnant and Unable To Experience Life At It's Fullest". "Locked Into Habitual Patterns of Thinking, Feeling, and Behaving In Ways That No Longer Serve You". "Sustained In Energy Patterns That Help You To "SURVIVE", Not Allowing You To "THRIVE" and Become The Best Version of Yourself".
    What To Expect In Seeking Services: (Years of Service - 29) Specialty Areas: Career Coaching/ ADDICTION ISSUES/ADDICTIVE PERSONALITIES/LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY/COUPLES THERAPY/ENERGY HEALING/FAMILY INTERVENTIONS/HOLISTIC WELLNESS/ INNER "CORE OF THE SOUL" HEALING/ HOLISTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY/GUIDED IMAGERY/BREATHWORK/ MEDITATION/ FAMILY CRISIS INTERVENTIONS (i.e. Addiction/Alcoholism/Substance Abuse) My Life Purpose as a Mental Health Provider and Energy Healer, consists of helping to Heal and Serve others. I take great pride in building a rapport and connection with my clients, and creating an environment that fosters trust, safety, validation, connection, transformation, and growth. My therapy style is warm, compassionate, validating, reassuring, interactive, and focused on Solutions rather than Problems, Labels, or a specific Diagnostic Determination. I believe in treating everyone with respect, sensitivity, and compassion, and I don't believe in stigmatizing labels. My approach combines cognitive-behavioral, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), Mindfulness and Meditation, a Structural and Strategic therapeutic approach, a Solution-Focused Model of Treatment, with additional experiential therapies including Internal Family Systems, a Humanistic Approach, the Gottman Method/Couple's Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Motivational Interviewing. (Just To Name A Few Treatment Orientations). I will tailor our dialog and treatment plan to meet your unique and specific needs. It takes courage to seek a more fulfilling and happier life and to take the first steps towards change.
    PLEASE NOTE: (Self Pay Options): ___________ If your Insurance cannot be used with the TELEMYND Network, or you choose to not involve your insurance in your Mental Health Care, There are other payment options available. ๐Ÿ’› **** ๐Ÿ’™ Reach out to Dr. Jo via Email and/or Phone: Phone/Text: (414) 412-3657 Email: [email protected] Website: ๐Ÿ’™ **** ๐Ÿ’› Self Pay Option # 1: __________ An option to pay for each therapy session individually. ๐Ÿ’› Self Pay Option # 2: __________ Choose to receive a (15% Discount Per Session - By purchasing a Therapy Package). ๐Ÿ’› Please request a review of the "SELF PAY OPTIONS" - If you do not plan to use your Insurance. The "Plan For Payment Document" will be sent to your email address, upon your request, as a breakdown of the available "SELF PAY OPTIONS".
    ๐Ÿ’š Tagline: It Is Never Too Late To Be ........ Who or What You Were Meant To Become. ๐Ÿ’š Spiritual Mantra: Recover ........ Discover ........ Uncover ........ The happiness and fulfillment which you deserve. ๐Ÿ’š DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF LIVING IN THE "NOW". ๐Ÿ’š Surrender to what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be. ๐Ÿ’š Create profound Peace, Love, Deep Fulfillment, & Spiritual Transformation by tapping into your natural born potential. ________________________ ๐Ÿ’› BE โ€“ The best version of your Highest Self. ๐Ÿ’› DO โ€“ The next โ€œright thingโ€ in becoming your โ€œAuthentic Self." ๐Ÿ’› HAVE โ€“ A new found freedom within yourself, to create the peace, love, happiness & fulfillment you deserve in life.
    All services offered to the following clientele: (Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups, Children, Pre-Teens, Teenagers, College Students, Adults of All Ages, Senior Adults). Deciding to seek help and making a commitment to better yourself is a process. THE PROCESS OF HEALING, WELLNESS, AND RECOVERY IS.... A JOURNEY, NOT A DESTINATION.
    Describing a memorable event in your life offers a chance to reflect on significant moments that have left a lasting impression. Memorable events often carry emotional significance, shaping our perspectives and memories. They can serve as sources of inspiration, motivating us to overcome challenges and pursue our goals with renewed determination.
    The energy and connection between a client and a psychotherapist is an essential component, to allow for the most beneficial therapeutic journey possible.
    Before seeing a therapist, you can consider things like your goals, expectations, and how the first session will be structured. You can also ask yourself what you want to talk about, such as: Strengths: What you're good at and your personal strengths, like empathy, resilience, or creativity Challenges: Current struggles, past experiences, and emotional patterns or triggers Relationships: Interpersonal dynamics and anyone you want your therapist to talk to Thoughts: Memories, worries, irrational or intrusive thoughts, and your thoughts about yourself You can also consider preparing some questions to ask your therapist, such as: How long have you been a therapist? What training or certifications do you have? What types of therapy do you think might help me? How will you assess my progress? How long should I expect to see you, and how often? What kind of homework or reading might you give me?

    Services offered

    Life Coaching
    Family Therapy
    Relationship Counseling
    Career Coaching
    Spiritual Counseling
    Alternative Healing
    Business Consulting