Iraida Charova RTT Therapist / Cosmetologist

Iraida Charova RTT Therapist / Cosmetologist

4.9Exceptional(7 reviews)
Top Pro
Offers online services
Top Pro
Offers online services


Rapid Transformational Therapy® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients, including the use of trance and hypnotic conditioning.

However, RTT® goes beyond hypnosis, diagnosing what works with clients to build a new therapeutic approach. Unlike traditional hypnotherapy, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement.

While using correct, up-to-date, and relevant language when talking to yourself is certainly a part of any transformation, it serves as more of a reinforcement of breakthroughs rather than the catalyst. RTT® therapists could reach breakthroughs via hypnosis that would not be possible if they were simply trying to access the subconscious mind via altered language and self-talk.

Your RTT® therapist is equipped with an array of techniques and tools that are crucial, not just in teaching you how to communicate with your subconscious mind but also directly accessing and fixing whatever blocks may be there. Central to that is the ability to transform many clients in a single session.


Current Top Pro
1 employee
5 years in business
Serves New York , NY
Offers online services

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  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    Helena H.

    Irena really understands the intertwined ways of the human mind and masters the way of de-blocking personal potential and overcoming hold-ups, be it from childhood or adult life.. Thank-you Irena!!
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021


    Caridad V.

    I came to Irena extremely depressed about the situation that the entire world is experiencing. Scared of humanity, scared of never recovering from the Covid19 pandemic. Scared to never be prosper again. I lost my job due to the pandemic among other things that happened ever since this difficult process started. I had started a new business, but sometimes I will boicot my self falling into dark thoughts.
    The next day after my first session I felt hopeful. A feeling that it was fade from my system. I felt peace. I organized my self to be productive and developed my business. Each night I will listen to the recording Irena made for me. Some day I relapsed into depression, but each time less. My business is prosper now. I have many new customers, my personal relationships with my family has been better. I feel positive that I will and I’m reaching my goal every day.
    There’s no price to get your life back. I knew it was all in me but I didn’t had the motivation to to all the things that I’m finally doing.
    Thanks Ireana.
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021


    Trevor G.

    I had an extraordinary session with Irena. she helped me understand who I truly am and that with unshakable conviction I have inside me confidence and the ability to achieve my goals. by regressing me to childhood memories that effected me my whole life I was able to change my beliefs and mindset and move forward on issues that had been holding me back. I highly recommend Irena she is knowledgeable, respectful and professional. thank you
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021


    Anastasia Z.

    Мне выпала возможность поучаствовать в программе Beauty Gates под руководством Irena Irbis. Эта программа действительно изменила мою жизнь.
    Мало что в жизни приводило к такому внутреннему комфорту и балансу, как программа Ирины «Beauty Gates». Данная программа включает терапию RTT и процедуры по уходу за лицом. Во время моего сеанса RTT Ирена пыталась проанализировать более глубокие причины моих психологических проблем и помогла мне изменить некоторые устоявшиеся взгляды, которые блокировали мой путь к большим целям.
    С самого начала вы почувствуете, что Ирина - отличный профессионал и относится к своей работе как к большой миссии. Ирина всегда использует лучшие техники и средства для ухода за лицом.
    У меня был действительно отличный опыт от начала до конца. Не побоюсь этого слова, программа действительно во многом изменила мою жизнь. Это уникальный опыт, который я бы посоветовал абсолютно любому человеку. Он открывает перед вами безграничные возможности.
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021


    Billel A.

    My first time in my life I did Hypnosis therapy felt good and she listen to me she understands me very professionally. Im very impressed about her efficiency, manners and Knowledge. I highly recommend IMP Evolution Ireina .she is very polite and friendly helpful After all Im very satisfied and happy. excellent experience. Thank you again 👏🏽👏🏽
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021


    David L.

    Irena is a an amazing listener and healer.
    She took me out of my paralyzed state of mind and made me see the walls I have created myself. She used RTT to find what was really going on deep inside . The thoughts and issues I didnt know was still there that was holding me back. She also taught me about manifestation and how I have the power to create the life I want. A new perspective on being my best self. Now she is a part of my mind. Sometimes my own mind wants to go back to the old way of thinking but I hear her telling me to keep going forward. Now, Im part of SAG-union and Im going after my dreams with a better vision in mind. Also a new wave of energy and thoughts. I totally recommend her. It took me a couple of sessions because Im a hard-headed person lol, but I made it through! Thank you Irena! Your RTT changed my life.
    ... Show more
    June 21, 2021

    Frequently asked questions


    IT could be 1 zoom session very efective, or it could be 3 sessions  typical for weight loss/stoping smoking/ finances becouse we need to reprogram minset .fiers you need to book FREE discovery call for 15-20 to see if we are sutable to work tougether successfully. 

    I am Cosmetologist and Hypnotherapist 

    NYS Cosmetoligy License

    Certified Hypnotherapist 

    Certified in RTT Method 

    RTT Licenced Practitioner.

    RTT Certified  Therapist by the Methos of Marisa Peer , London 

    needs discovery call to figure out the price.

    on my website i have several pakages to offer and it depends on the project

    I became cosmetologist first and then I realized I was providing therapy for my clients interacting  during cosmetic procedures . I wanted to expend and do both professionally. I enjoy helping clients to become beautiful inside and out .

    I work with difrent people from all walks of life but they all are looking  for the same thing to reprogram old outdated belifs and  upgrade their lifes  . Weight loss, stop smoking , beauty upgrades , skin conditions ,  menopause,    going through divorce , loooking to evolve mentally, struggling with self esteem issues , anxiety , money blocks , career blocks , mental blocks , quite smoking , selltherapy , sports performances, illnesses , childhood issues, guilt , parenting issues , performance issues , sexual issues 

    if you donrnt see your issue here - please contact me so i can clarify if i can help you to achive successful results

    Marisa Peer seminars , Ted Talk , Tony Robbins

    Book a call /consultation . See if you like the way person aproaches and speacks to you . See if they understand what you want to achive .Check with your self is you are ready for change and planning to commit to leave a comfort zone and  deal with upcoming changes .

    What exactly do they want to change

    What do they really want to accomplish from the first session 

    Clearly see how the life without the problem will be 

    Services offered
