Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic I am providing online counseling and therapy to all clients. I provide individual, group, marriage/relationship and family counseling as a private professional counselor. I'm licensed in the State of Michigan so I can provide services to all of those in this great lake State! Upper and Lower Pennisula.
I have been working as a professional counselor for 18 years. I practice Cognitive Behavior Therapy, but have an eclectic approach and am willing to do whatever is possible and necessary to help you become a more happy, whole and complete person!
I teach communication skills and assertiveness skills which are proven to improve relationships and build self-esteem and confidence!
I have earned a Master's Degree from Eastern Michigan University and am a Licensed Professional Counselor with the State of Michigan. I have a website: www.phenomcounseling.weebly.com
My goal in life is to assist/help as many people as possible. I enjoy the feeling I get when I know this has been accomplished. The money I earn is always secondary. I do this because it helps me to feel good about myself as a person. I know that what I am doing is helping others, and that's what's important to me! I have gone out of my way and "the extra mile," for many of my clients throughout my counseling career and will do anything it takes to make sure my clients are receiving the help they need!
Photos and videos

Renee F.
Felicia C.
Rebecca D.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
For individuals: I use Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) techniques and exercises to help individuals with anxiety and depression to challenge irrational thinking/belief systems. Most people wil find the thoughts associated with their feelings are irrational and this is what needs to change. When you change the way you think about something, your feelings change and your behavior.
For couples: I teach communication skills which have been proven over the years to help improve relationships. I begin with basic listening skills and work through a series of steps leading to an increase in empathy. Developing empathy (understanding) of the other person is the key to improving communication, thus improving the relationship. I often use role-play exercises to teach these skills as it helps people to see and hear exactly how these new skills will be applied to their everyday lives and encounters with each other.
For Families: I do much of the same with members of a family that I do with couples. I help people to understand the basic family dynamics of thier family unit/system; then through a series of role-play exercises, I teach the communication skills described above.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have earned a Masters Degree in Psychology Counseling from Eastern Michigan University in 2001. I have earned 100's of continuing education credits since my graduation as required at most mental health agencies and have worked for several agencies over the course of my 16 year career as a professional counselor.
These have included:
Brighton Hospital
Hegira-Westland Cousneling Services
Personalized Nursing Light House
and TEAM Mental Helth Services
I also have owned and operated my personal private practice counseling business: "Phenom Counseling Services" since 2002.
I have earned training continuing education certificates by attending multiple seminars both online and in-person at: Virtual Center for Excellence (VCE) which held seminars at the Guidance Center in Southgate, MI. I have also produced a training video for those professionals in my field of expertise which can be found at: https://www.dwctraining.com/Home.id.2.htm
I have met the requirements by the State of Michigan for supervision and attended over 100 hours of supervision with Dr. David Abbott, PHd, LPC. "Dr. Dave" as he was referred to lovingly by his students and supervisees passed away in 2011. I attended his "Scenario Role-Play" group seminars for training from 1994 to his passing in 2011. Dr. Dave was my personal counselor and eventual counseling supervisor and he created the "Scenario Role-Play" exercises which I have adapted into my practice.
The skills taught and demonstarted in these exercises have been proven to improve social skills, communication skills and assertiveness skills. I do my own version of these role-play exercises as well as demonstrate his exact technique myself when working with clients.