Five Way Fitness
I have been in the movement and pain-free business for the last 35 years. What I do is incorporate corrective exercise and strengthening along with various protocols, such as neuro kinetic therapy and special scar release, or past restoration techniques. I am also a licensed Florida massage therapist. What I do is get people out of pain, strengthen their bodies, and get them to move correctly and be fit and healthy to live their lives. All my work has been done in a private setting with no distractions. I work in a private studio or at home.
1 employee
28 years in business
Serves Pompano Beach , FL
Insurance that covers physical therapy, Insurance that may cover physical therapy, No insurance or insurance that doesn't cover physical therapy
Client age
Younger than 18, 18 - 22 years old, 23 - 30 years old, 31 - 40 years old, 41 - 50 years old, 51 - 60 years old, 61 - 70 years old, 71 or older
Area of the body
Back, Neck, Arms, Legs / feet, Hips, Other body regions
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Services offered
Physical Therapy
Massage Therapy