A multi faceted general law office serving individuals and small businesses in Wisconsin.
Family Law. Divorce and custody, contested and uncontested.
Tax. Preparation of current year and past year returns, business and personal.
Wills estates special needs trusts elder care issues and probate.
Criminal law. Misdemeanor and felony.
Bankrtupcy. 7 13 and in some instances 11.
I strive to be cost conscious and make services available. So after you have made your calls and found out how expensive lawyers can be, contact me.
Photos and videos

Troy S.
Zinanita M. T.
Jamie V.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
This is whenever possible a virtual office. Technology no longer neccesitates coming to the office and where possible, you and I work together by exchanging documents by email and follow up phone calls.
More often than not, services are flat rate, by appearance.
Retainer agreements and engagement letters define objectives and expections and payment plans.