Inner Search Foundation, Inc.
We have published two books. Life Plan - Finding Your Real Self, The Journey Throuh Life." " Magnetic Field Therapy" Healing with Magnets. These two books help to explain the type of healing process we utilize.
We have the use of esseential oils and remedies to help in the healing process.
We conduct healing sessions to assess the problems and concerns a person has to remove the pain and sufferiing caused by unresloved conflicts.
Our methodology is defined as Life Altering Solutions. We uncover the reasons why a person is sufferiing and introduce the way to change for the better.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
We identify the condition of our clients by exploring the presenting complaint. Where do you hurt. Then we explore the reasons for the suffering by revealing the source of the conflict. More often the conditions we confront are related to the emotional disconfort brought on by issues with the relationship, work, money, physical and mental dysfunction, spiritual disconnection and other human disorders.