About me
What is your opinion regarding clients educating themselves on legal issues?
I think clients who educate themselves are always a plus. Nolo is a great avenue for the general public to get information they can trust.
Are you willing to review documents prepared by clients?
My firm will absolutely help clients if they choose to prepare documents on their own.
Are you willing to coach clients who want to represent themselves?
My firm will absolutely help clients who choose to exercise their constitutional rights to represent themselves on their own. (Pro se)
Why did you decide to be a lawyer?
I initially decided to become a lawyer because I was always fascinated with the simplistic genius of the Constitution. Then I realized the kind of difference attorneys have in people's lives.
What work experience and education helps you be a better lawyer?
I was raised by a single mother. I learned about compassion and kindness through what others showed my mother and I. Karma is a funny thing. It's now my turn to give.
Why did you decide on your primary area of practice?
In these trying times with the fluctuation of the market and the uncertainty of the laws, I want to help individuals understand their legal troubles, explaining the process to them step-by-step.
What do you like best about your career?
I like the flexibility of my schedule, and also enjoy that every day is different. I like the unexpected; it keeps me sharp and on my toes.
Tell us about your law firm:
I am a solo practitioner. I may work with other attorneys who specialize in particular areas of law as needed. We work very closely and efficiently together in order to get the best result for the client.
What are your strengths and style?
My strengths are organization and communication. A client will always receive a return phone call, even if it is just to say "I got your message, and wanted to call you back."
Personal Interests:
I am a history buff. I love the history of the United States, Civil War, anything to do with the Constitution. I also am a technology nerd, and love to test out the latest technologies. I am a huge Sheryl Crow fan as well, and love to go to concerts.