Jason Wasser, LMFT- The Family Room Wellness Associates
exists to guide the world towards achieving health, hope and happiness.
We envision a world where humanity is empowered to transform life’s stressors into maximized potential.
We provide expert therapy, coaching, chiropractic and nutritional services for individuals, children, couples and families from all backgrounds in a safe space. Our goal is to successfully work with you through a variety of life’s challenges with a holistic approach. We offer the latest in Mind-Body Research Based Practices including Neuro Emotional Technique (NET).
Whether you are coming for yourself or with your family, we have a team of knowledgeable therapists to help you with a variety of concerns ranging from anxiety, stress, phobias, depression, ADHD, PTSD, to chronic pain, relationship challenges, work issues, personal and executive coaching and Sports Performance Consulting.
I am passionate about being able to help my clients both personally and professional minimize their stress and maximize their potential.
Our team of licensed professionals all focus on helping you reach your goals, emotionally and physically, through resources such as therapy, alternative medicine techniques, coaching, chiropractic and nutrition.
We believe the more educated and empowered you are as a client, the more successful your results will be.
As a Mind Body Wellness practice, we incorporate whole food based nutrition, greater amounts of movement & exercise and mindfulness practices into our suggestions and know this can go a long way towards your health and happiness. Research shows that integrating these aspects increase results for a variety of affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physiological systems within a person.
Instead of just focusing on presenting symptoms, such as ADD, Anxiety or relationship distress, we also look to help resolve the underlying energetic/emotional/belief "imbalances" that existed before the present day issues manifested. These "imbalances" can cause long-term health and emotional wellness issues that can manifest in both emotional and physical symptoms.
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
We would like to share some insights with you on how to get the most out of your time with us. We believe the more educated and empowered you are as a client, the more successful your results will be. As a Mind Body Wellness practice, we incorporate whole food based nutrition, greater amounts of movement & exercise and mindfulness practices into our suggestions and know this can go a long way towards your health and happiness. Research shows that integrating these aspects increase results for a variety of affective, cognitive, behavioral, and physiological systems within a person.
Instead of just focusing on presenting symptoms, such as ADD, Anxiety or relationship distress, we also look to help resolve the underlying energetic/emotional/belief “imbalances” that existed before the present day issues manifested. These “imbalances” can cause long-term health and emotional wellness issues that can manifest in both emotional and physical symptoms. In order for us to have deeper insight on this component, please complete and email the results of your Wellness Check to us before your first session.
During your first session, we will review your intake paperwork and delve deeper into areas that need more clarification in order to create the best care protocol for you (and anyone else participating in the therapeutic process). We have found that many times our clients do not disclose everything they need to on the intake forms. Being proactive and open to sharing will help the process along in an expedited manner so please fill us in on everything even if you think it may not be relevant or seem connected to you.
After gathering the necessary information, we will then collaborate on a plan of action to reach your goals. This may include “homework” outside of our sessions. This may include watching a video, reading an article or book or completing another time of written/processing assignment. Clients who stay committed and consistent to their process after the session time ends get radically better results in a faster amount of time.
We may also suggest supportive modalities that we think will expedite your healing process along. This may include both conventional and integrative/alternative medicine modalities. Some services may be offered in our office but we also have a trusted network of colleagues we refer to including Nutritional specialists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, etc.
We welcome any questions and want you to stay engaged as our collaborative partner throughout your entire therapeutic experiences with us.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
Certified Neuro Emotional Technique Practitioner
Certified Addictions Professional
Jason Wasser has an extensive background in working with youth and adults from all walks of life. His positions have included serving as a Student Life Coordinator at Princeton University, providing counseling services for the special needs population & their families through the Florida Medicaid Waiver program, and directing non-profit community educational and recreational programming.
Over the years, Jason has been to speak at college campuses, retreats, and educational programs on topics including: spirituality, relationships, meditation/self-hypnosis, and group leadership. He has consulted with professional athletes including those in Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA) and the US Tennis Association, as well as with talent in the television and music industry. Jason also provides a variety of other therapeutic services including life, entrepreneur and business coaching for the general population as a Business Finishing School Certified Coach.
Mr. Wasser graduated from Nova Southeastern University with a Masters Degree in Marital & Family Therapy and a certificate in Sports & Fitness Psychology from California State University. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Addictions Professional (CAP), and Certified Hypnotherapist. Mr. Wasser is also a Certified Neuro- Emotional Technique (NET) practitioner, Certified Pre-Marital Counseling Provider for Dade and Broward counties and Florida Qualified Supervisor for Registered MFT and MHC Interns. As a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, he is an AAMFT Approved Supervisor and has served as a past Board Member for the Broward Association for Marriage & Family Therapy. Jason is also a Certified Business Finishing School Coach.
Mr. Wasser works with children, couples, individuals and families and is the Founder and Clinical Director of The Family Room Wellness Associates.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Thankfully in 2017, going to a therapist no longer carries the stigma that it used to. People used to ask “what’s wrong with you” when you told them you are seeing a professional for help. Today, its quite common for friends to suggest their personal therapist to others without hesitation as if there is something wrong if they don’t have a therapist! In fact, many of my clients over the years have come from previous client referrals, who thankfully, found therapy to be a successful financial investment.
I recently read an article by Stacy Stienmiller about affording therapy regardless of your budget. She talks about how many of us unconsciously take on the view that quality therapy in a private practice setting is only for the rich or is unaffordable to do consistently enough to get desired results.
It’s because of this that many people seems to be wondering how they could afford to go every week.
The average median annual income of South Florida residents is $55,000. That means if you invest 5% of your salary towards personal growth, therapeutic help and wellness, you can get expert help with someone who is the top in their field for about an average of 12 sessions a year.
This means depending on the rates and speciality of the therapist, you can finally resolve that longstanding or new critical concern that has been plaguing you, your family or your business without breaking your budget.
In my practice, the average client seeking specialized help with anxiety, trauma, addiction, unresolved physical pain (or as their doctor would call it, psychosomatic) self-limiting beliefs and sabotaging actions, see me for an average of 6-10 sessions and have drastic changes in their well being. In fact, many report radical changes within the first 3 sessions. The idea that going to therapy every week is required for massive changes to take place in your life is outdated at best but also can leave plenty of wasted time and money “on the couch” you are sitting on during your sessions.
Are you sitting there scratching your head wondering how that is even possible? How can a therapist get to know me, my issues, my life story and help me that quickly? The past 4 years, I have spent hundreds of hours traveling around the US, taking advanced training in a mind-body wellness protocol that taps into our unresolved stress patterns. These patterns can create both emotional and physical symptoms that may not go away or take radically longer to solve using other traditional modalities. By identifying the specific unresolved trauma you are holding on to, we can reduce and remove physiological responses that can turn into a variety of emotional or physical discomfort.
This protocol, Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), has been used by thousands of practitioners around the world for the past 25 years. A few months ago, a groundbreaking study was published in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship regarding the stress and trauma that cancer patients are going through and how NET drastically improves their wellbeing and symptoms. They were able to clinically show that within 4 session of NET, through the use of fMRI images, that the parahippocampus returned to normal healthy functioning.
As one of 4 Mental Health practitioners in the world who holds NET’s highest Level III Certification, I am not saying that psychotherapy doesn’t work (I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist by training and at heart) but why take weeks or months to solve a challenge when you can do so in a matter of minutes or hours.
With the hectic schedule of our daily lives, efficiency is a commodity these days especially when it comes to our wellbeing.
Let me share with you two success stories from this past week. A friend of mine has been experiencing Atrial Fibrillation for the past year and a half. The symptoms include heart palpitations including erratic heartbeats, fatigue and can sometime feel like your heart is rising up through your neck. Could you image the daily frustration and worry about feeling your heart start pounding out of control like you just sprinted up the steps?
By the time we spent about 30 minutes using NET to identify and remove the unresolved emotional stressors from my friend’s experience, they shared that their chronic discomfort was reduced from an 9 to a 2 with only the faint feeling of their heartbeat deeper in their chest. Two days later, I got a voicemail from them saying that the random abnormal increase of their heart rate has not taken place in the more than 24 hours since we worked together.
Another client came to me after seeing multiple doctors for the past 4 months with chronic pain in the bottom of his left foot which made it difficult for him to stand or even to put direct pressure on that spot with his finger. He has seen his primary physician as well as an orthopedic surgeon and has been utilizing rehabilitative exercises to reduce the discomfort. Again, by using NET, we were able to identify the unresolved stressor that his body was carrying within 15 minutes. To see someone who has been in chronic pain for the last few months laughing uncontrollably at the connection between healing old emotional trauma and the reduction of his pain proves to me how powerful and simple it can be to resolve many of the other discomforts life throws at us.
What are the top three challenges you have struggled with for years or that you are facing presently right now? How many nights of poor sleep have you had? How many hours worrying about that issue has you wasted when you could have been focusing on more productive activities? What are the areas of your business that you want to improve but just cannot move past where you are stuck?
Imagine all the time, effort, energy and money that could have been wasted or will be in the future by not tackling these challenges now. Take an honest accounting and ask yourself if spending 5% of your income this year on your health and wellbeing to solve these challenges would be money well invested! If so, reach out to me at (954)324-3677 or [email protected] to schedule for a 10 minute consultation that will allow us to ensure your future health and success.