I work with clients all over the country. I have been in private practice for 30 years. My specialties include mind-body healing, life coaching, spiritual coaching, as well as energy healing and readings for all emotional and physical issues. I work with couples, families, groups, and individuals, both adults and children.
I integrate verbal therapy/insight work along with very specific bodywork techniques which include eye movement exercises, breath work, guidance on how to physically release your muscle contractions, bodily expression of feelings to let go of what you are holding onto on a biophysical, cellular level in your body, energy work and energy readings.
Each of your sessions will be incredibly unique, profoundly effective and deeply transformative. This work is not just a bandaid effect. You will experience appreciable relief and movement in every single session. Each session is designed to discover and heal the origins of your habitual patterns and symptoms.
Every session will be completely individualized contingent upon where you are, and what is needing to be addressed and healed based upon what you share as well as my observations and intuition.
The philosophy behind this work is that from a young age, you develop armoring, blocks, coping skills and defense mechanisms in reaction to painful experiences and traumas whether they be physical, emotional or both. You built these in order to survive which is a good thing, however, as you were no longer in those situations, those defense mechanisms manifested in different challenges throughout your life emotionally, physically, energetically and spiritually. This therapy works to break down that armoring so that the previously bound energy can flow more freely, the goal being to bring you into the deepest level of happiness and peace in order to meet your full potential that you are capable of on every level, both internally as well as externally.
In regard to emotional and physical healing, I specialize in facilitating the eradication of all symptoms and pain regardless of the specific issue and origin. I have my clients rate their pain on a scale of 0 to 10 (10 being the worst) in the beginning of the session and my experience is that every client is at a zero before that session is over, achieved through the techniques that I mentioned above. Some examples include anxiety, depression, illness, headaches/migraines, back pain, menstrual issues, women, issues, wounds, injuries, fractures, surgeries, concussions, sprains, strains, dislocations, burns and more.
I am happy to do a complimentary consultation and speak with you by phone in more detail to answer any questions, explain the specific techniques and philosophies that I use, and directly respond to how I might meet any and all of your therapeutic needs.
I am extremely passionate, engaged and present with each and every one of my clients. I adore what I do, feel very blessed to do what I do every day and am very excited to embark upon and be a part of this extremely transformative process and journey with you! I really look forward to meeting you and connecting with you, thank you so much! ᵕ̈