Psy. Itze Sanchez
Offers online services
Offers online services
I priorize the human phases of the patient. I ́ve been working with children, adolescents, adults, couples, eating disorders and people with drugs adiction since 2010.
1 employee
15 years in business
Serves Irving , TX
Offers online services
Relationship status
Engaged couple, Married couple, Unmarried couple
Customers needing counseling
Couples seeking counseling together, Individuals seeking counseling (with partner's knowledge), Individuals seeking counseling (without partner's knowledge)
Counseling goals
Communication, Conflict resolution, Trust, Intimacy and passion, Family planning
Gender preference
Male or female counselors, Male counselors, Female counselors
Photos and videos
No reviews (yet)
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
First an interview within a psychological framing, to know clinical history and featured background, building trust with the patient.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Individual Session $60
Couple Session $90
Services offered
Life Coaching
Family Therapy
Relationship Counseling
Spiritual Counseling