Hypnotherapist, Board certified Holistic Practitioner, Certified in Stress Management, Health Coach & Ayurveda Wellness Systems Programs:
We Help Individuals discover REAL change...
By connecting them to their inner empowerment through training, coaching and supporting them on their journey to...
A new level of living mindfully where...Greater Wellness, Fulfillment, Joy, Community and Balance of Mind, Body and Spirit are the REWARD.
I Absolutely love helping others to feel a sense of purpose, being on the track for growth and living their best version of themselves.
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Been hypnotized before
Photos and videos
Nicole B.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new customer?
I do an intake consultation where we identify what areas that they are experiencing difficulties and what results they are looking for. Then, I usually have them complete a couple assessments that will identify what their mind-body make up is. We then, review the results to identify what is out of balance and what are areas of opportunity.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I am a trained hypnotherapist, board certified holistic practitioner, Stress/Anxiety Management coach, Ayurvedic lifestyle, executive coaching, EFT-tapping, caregivers and dementia best care practices, empowerment, basic yoga and pranayama breathwork.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your services? If so, please share the details here.
Yes. Workshops varying in cost from 25-699
Holistic Wellness Coaching: $99 special until 3/31/20 (reg. $125 per 1 hour session)
Holistic Life Coaching: $99 special until 3/31/20 (reg. $125 per session)
Professional/Executive/Career Coaching: $115 special until 3/31/20
(reg. $150 per hour )
Includes an assessment which generates a 20 page report that can help guide you more purposefully with expert insight towards your successful career path.
Reiki Session w/ our Reiki Master:Aromatherapy and crystal healing included. $55 special until 3/31/20 (reg. $88 per 1 hour session)
Mystical Life Coaching: Tapping into spiritual intuition can be fun, refreshing, creative and revealing! Angel card reading with life coaching
$99 special until 3/31/20 (reg. $125 per 1 hour session)
Personal training phone with daily coaching tips is available for an additional fee.
How did you get started in this business?
I had some life changing experiences back in 2001, in which I used all of these practices that I teach today to recover, heal and grow. I then moved on to the teacher's path.
The dementia related services were a result of being in healthcare for the elderly population for the last 13 years.
What types of customers have you worked with?
I have worked with mostly women that are looking for solutions to the stress, work-life-family-self care Balance with purpose.
A lot of my clients have also experienced trauma and are looking for permanent ways to gain inner peace and personal growth.
I have worked a lot with families and those that are dealing with health challenges that were sometime terminal illnesses.
I have worked with corporations to share education about holistic practices for employee's health, wellness and personal/professional growth.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
I was a featured speaker at a health and wellness expo and there were break out sessions. I was doing some guided imagery for a small group afterwards and the discussions from the participants that transpired were so inspirational. I love when that happens!
What advice would you give a customer looking to hire a pro in your area of expertise?
Make sure that they are really going to help you fill your toolbox for the long term. Not just feed breadcrumbs that amount to further disappointments.
This stuff truly works if handle well. It becomes a way of life that is extremely meaningful, satisfactory and healthy.
What questions should customers think through before talking to pros about their needs?
I think that a lot of the questions that are asked here are great ones.