Phoenix Center For Healing P.A   Miami Fla

Phoenix Center For Healing P.A Miami Fla

5.0(3 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


Hello, my friends and thank you for contemplating me, as your License Mental Health Counselor. I have been a Counselor for last 20 years in Miami Fla and I am associated with the Wellness-Institute in Issaquah Washington State as a teacher.

I am certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, hypnotherapy is used to heal unresolved traumas from early and present life, requires accessing the events that produced the trauma, re-experiencing them cathartically in the original ego state, and reframing the meaning of the experience through corrective emotional experience. (release) Essentially all of these forms of correction provide the means for an individual to open up to what has been suppressed, oppressed and repressed and ultimately heal our issues.

Using Cognitive-Behavior-Wellness techniques assists in changing the old belief and old behavior decision of the trauma event to a positive new belief and a new behavior decision, hence having a qualified healing experience.

Having the ability to cut through the emotional red tape of our emotional cognitive distortions and take responsibility for what we create brings awareness and healing. Trauma related issues create untenable choices that results in depression and or anxiety, these choices begin as brilliantly creative survival strategies, constructed out of the individual's inner resources that has been tainted by unhealthy life patterns. (addictions, co-dependency, unresolved parental issues, victim mentality.)

We can heal our issues with determination, humility, and love, forgiving our self and making amends to others creates a new life! I have personally seen our clients change professions by healing their past developmental wounds.

Aida and I have created a curriculum that is presently being taught throughout the United States, Canada and now South Africa. It called, "Letting Go of What Has You" It a 3-day weekend workshop. August 23-25, 2019.

Bob & Aida 786-236-7927 or 786-306-5475


The rewards that I have experience is when the client has the ability to set boundaries and know the meaning of safety and trust! Thus, giving the client empowerment in a relationship and the ability to make healthy choices. But above all, to see the client understand the meaning of unconditional love for self and others.


2 employees
21 years in business
Serves Miami , FL
Offers online services


0 reviews


Rachel T.

I felt safe and cared for as an individual. My process, my opinions, who I am felt respected. This process has forever changed my view of myself and others. I am forever changed and continue to grow as an individual from what I have learned with their ecpertise and guidance.
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July 09, 2019



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July 04, 2019


Elizabeth F.

The counselors were compassionate, supportive and professional.
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July 02, 2019

Frequently asked questions

Most of my practice has been centered around individuals who experience trauma related events, individuals are emotional wounded by shock and trauma. I have worked with fire rescue personel, police, doctors, nurse and moms and dads.

Individual from communist countries who have experienced trauma related events as young parents or children. Remember, PTSD is not soley for the military, it is also experience in school, growing up!

Most recently I completed a two year internship as a teacher with the Wellness Institute, Issaquah Washington. Working with 25 dedicated therapist/counselor. Humility and surrender is defnitely a gift recieved.

I think it is fair to ask a mental health practitioner, if they continue to do personal thier own healing work. Why, because if a therapist has unresolved issues, they will most certainely affect the atmosphere. You can only take a client as far as your own healed experience. Now if someone answers continuing education, that is the wrong answer. Continuing education is not therapy!!!!!

Services offered