Heather Carlile, MA, LPC

Heather Carlile, MA, LPC

5.0(2 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


Client Reviews about Heather’s COUNSELING & MENTORING:

Heather, You freed me. I’ve had the best day of my life. I never wanna go back.

You are an artist of great, great talent. You were born to do what you do to provide as much good as possible to as many people as possible while you are here. The universe is lucky to have you!

Dearest Heather,

I have no words to express how deeply touched I was. Thank you so very much for your everlasting kindness, wisdom and brilliant soul.

Thank you for helping me through the darkest times in my life and equipping me with the tools to be successful. Just wanted to let you know you have helped me more than you know.

Thank you for your time today and your wisdom and clarity. I truly believe that you are one of the smartest, wisest and most in tune people that I have ever come across. I truly appreciate you and the help that you have provided me. Furthermore, I appreciate that you truly care, I don’t know of any counselors that check on their clients after hours just to see how they are doing. You truly separate yourself in the brightest of lights from others in your profession. Thank you.

Words can’t express what it has meant to have you as a mentor and soul in my life. I’m filled with joy to continue this journey with you!

Heather is an amazing woman and an amazing Counselor. What she was able to do while I was a client of hers was nothing short of miraculous. I have recommended her and will do it over and over again. Anyone seeking guidance, support and insight with a hands-on tell-it-like-it is approach from someone who is a cutting edge trailblazer in this area of work should make an appt. with Ms. Carlile.

Hey Heather. Our session was a success. I have a new work attitude and understanding of myself. Not as stressed and I can allow the men to be men while I sit back not stressed and pick my battles. Love it. You’re the best.

Hello Heather, I hope all is well, I’m doing great. I have a friend, a woman, who needs someone to talk to; I told her about you and told her you were the best. Could I please get your contact info to give to her to have her call you. Thanks so much.

I have been to more than 50 Counselor’s in my life time and NO ONE can compare to Heather – she has helped me more in the past few months then any Counselor or rehab I have been to–so if you want to get Healed from your pain, go see her !!!

I don’t know if you remember this or not, but years ago, you guided me through an exercise using guided imagery — one of the prevailing images manifested in that session was a red lion, which sort of became a symbol for my quest of self-discovery at that time.

I shared that experience with a close friend of mine, and while in Europe, she shot a photo of one of the Trafalgar Square lions, blew it up, framed it and gave it to me as a gift — it hung on my wall until (my wife) and I were married.

That image still evokes strong emotions.

Thank you again for an amazing session and I will see you soon.

I wanted to let you know that I got your voice message yesterday and I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you called. That is a first for me (for a therapist to do that). Monday night, while very hard and exhausting, was very liberating for me. I told you more than anyone in my life (right now) knows or maybe ever will, and your compassion was simply something I will not forget. I will definitely be back to talk to you. I want to take the rest of this week and maybe next, collect some of my thoughts, make some notes on topics to discuss, and then get back in to see you. Knowing that I have you on my side is something that has already given me hope.

You have changed my life for the better in countless ways. I can safely say there is no one else on this planet like you. And lucky for those of us who get the gift of knowing you!

Was sitting in church today listening to an amazing talk on miracles and was overwhelmed with gratitude for the miracle you are in my life. You provided hope and support to me in the two roughest times of my life!! More than anyone else could. I knew you were just a phone call away which got me through the day and past the pain. You showed me life is full of miracles with the right perspective. You are grand and I thank you.

Words can’t express what it has meant to have you as a mentor and soul in my life. I’m filled with joy to continue this journey with you!

I just wanted to thank you for the info you delivered at this year’s NARME conference. As the mom of two (one being a son entering into that tween age) I gleaned so much from your session. I came home and purchased a few of the books you recommended. Your talk also got me thinking about a way to create his identity in our family. SUCCESS! Your information was a blessing to my ears. Thank you

Heather is a wonderful and compassionate counselor and coach. She takes her time getting to know you and your specific needs and desires and diligently works with you to obtain your goals. Heather has made a significant impact on my life and helped me through a difficult time. Should you need any assistance in this area, do not hesitate to contact her! You will not be disappointed!

Client reviews about Heather’s work with RELATIONSHIPS & MARRIAGE:

There are no accidents, you know that. There are hundreds of therapists in Dallas and I found you. You saved my marriage. I am so grateful for your wisdom and kindness. You will always have a special place in my heart.

My sincerest thanks.

Thank you Thank you Thank you

Client reviews about Heather’s MARRIAGE COUNSELING – WORDS FROM MEN:

Heather, thank you so much for seeing me on Friday. I greatly appreciate you fitting me in and your help. I am very blessed to have found you. Your techniques and insights are incredibly helpful. As you requested, below are some of the things I learned so far and some new ideas for living my life in a healthy way.

I have learned so much in our short time together but here are some of the key points. My lack of emotional intelligence is generally from my up bringing and my rolls in my family as the hero and the misfit (acting out). Not experiencing all the rolls hurt my emotional development. Of course having a punching bag when I was little taught me that the only way to get satisfaction when I’m upset or angry is to act them out physically. Growing up I was never taught to communicate my emotions and feel that my problems are directly caused by my lack of EQ. I feel that it’s necessary to focus on developing this to live a healthy life.

I am excited about the new program you gave me and have already started. I’m glad I was able to start with the Sincerity Scroll. I think that is an area where I have room for great improvement. I will continue to work at it every day and do anything else you recommend. Also I have completed the Lifestyle Design and will bring it with me next time I see you. It was very helpful.

I have been acting very immaturely and need to learn to handle my emotions properly. My mistakes have affected my relationships greatly and I need to do everything I can to change right now! However, it is very important that I focus on the present and not dwell on the past. I cannot change what I have done, but I can change what I do today.

Again, thank you for continuing to see me. I know my latest mistakes have let a great number of people down. I appreciate your willingness to help me and your concern. I really do truly want to be a good man. I know, without a doubt, that I have a good heart and am capable of being the man my family deserves, but I have a long way to go to get there.

I just wanted to let you know I found your article extremely helpful & informative.

I lost my mother a month ago today & find myself really struggling with the loss. However, the article really confirmed a lot of things I’m going through right now. It is really informative, helpful and insightful. I love the butterfly analogy and the stories of your experiences of grief work. The hard hitting facts about what could happen if I don’t grieve properly was most helpful.

I’m also realizing that it’s OK, every day will be different, and that giving myself permission to cry is so important.

I plan to share this article with my siblings as well.

I’ll always love you and what you helped me become! Thank you. Without what you did to guide me, I am certain that I would not have survived my sons’ deaths. We grow from our challenges. Because of you, I came to realize that God will never give me something I cannot handle. So, I felt honored to have been given the heaviest burden a person can carry, the death of a child. And, I was given two! I think of you often and regularly thank God for you. You are changing the planet!

Heather, I wanted to say thank you. I did really, exactly, what we discussed when I got home last night with really great results. It was a long discussion and very emotional but little arguing at all and a lot of honesty and, by the end of it, I had my wife back and we are great today. So thank you. It’s nice to know that you know us so well and the situation that what you’re suggesting, when done correctly, works so well so, again, thank you.

God bless you!!

This weekend would not have been possible without the confidence, grace, kindness and love you have worked so hard to grasp in your life. I am so grateful for your guidance and strength. I am now ready to pull up anchor and let my ship sail. I have been set free of the pain that was causing me to self medicate. I look forward to your continued guidance. I will let my spirit sail confidently. I can’t wait to continue the journey (The New One) with you, my wife and, of course, the real me.

I love people and my work is endlessly interesting because each puzzle is different from any other. And, I know people well enough to be able to make a difference. That keeps me inspired.


Hired 2 times
3 employees
32 years in business
Serves Plano , TX
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, Bitcoin

Social media


Previous coaching experience

Clients with no previous coaching experience, Clients with some previous coaching experience

Coaching topic

Career, Relationships, Positive habits, Stress management, Spirituality

Client age

Under 18, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older


Customers who want to meet one time only, Customers who want to meet weekly, Customers who want to meet monthly, Customers who are open to coaches suggestions

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

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    Heather is the wisest woman I know! She is articulate and kind, pours her whole heart into her work, and has such a gracious spirit and way of being. I would strongly suggest her as a therapist, author, and public speaker. She is an amazing person!
    ... Show more
    April 05, 2019


    Wynne V.

    Heather is passionate about helping you cut through the emotional fog of your trauma and focus on your healing. She is brilliant, knowledgable, experienced, funny and armed with very effective tools to help you reach your personal development goals. I highly recommend her.
    ... Show more
    April 03, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

    Heather Carlile's Counseling Approach
    for Successful Change and Growth in Counseling
    My basic view is using my own methods for SFBT or Solution Focused Brief Therapy in the mode of CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. I don't assume that our work will continue longer than 3 to 6 months unless there is significant history of trauma, family-of-origin patterning for inadequate or sabotaging beliefs or lifestyle elements which need to be adjusted or changed.

    When you have your first session, I have four goals:


    1) Welcome you and complete your registration form, 
    2) Hear your stories about how you want me to help you, 
    3) If you did your Enneagram quiz, I want to see the results and introduce you to the larger dynamics of your personality and 
    4) I want you to receive value from our work together which means, with your agreement, I will select methods to use during the session and homework method(s) for your knowledge, growth or healing.
    People are generally looking for or needing more in three general areas: 

    I. Knowledge and/or
    II. Internal Skills Including Healing Loss, Abuse, Trauma & Addiction and/or
    III. Behavioral Skills.
    Information, assessments, learning, experience, growth, improvement, belonging, respect, methods, communication, executive function.
    II. INTERNAL SKILLS: How to stay true to your beliefs and resolve confusion, communication, motivation, emotional intelligence, anger management, forgiveness, confidence, self-esteem, willingness, relationships, executive functioning or planning, substance use, self-control, meaning.
    III. BEHAVIORAL SKILLS: Daily life changes, health, sex, alcohol, fitness, children, family, money, work, purposefulness, success, friends, social, activities, community service.


    The goals of counseling are to solve your internal, lifestyle and relationship problems. Here is an introduction to what you might expect. The type and amount of work depends on your current goals and abilities. You may want knowledge, skills, growth or healing. The first step is learning through the kinds of information which gives you knowledge and insights. Just being informed may be enough to help you make the changes you want.
    Knowledge and Insight Methods
    ·      Personality, Identity, Gender, Needs, Values 
    ·      Roles, Losses, Ordeals and Stages of Life
    ·      Sense of Purpose, Passions, Mission and Goals 
    ·      Character Refinement through Respect, Service and Virtue.
    WHEN KNOWING DOESN’T DO IT: But, if unhealthy internal coping mechanisms and/or defensiveness such as wounds, trauma or immaturity cause stubborn resentment, neediness, blaming, acting out, being triggered in trauma or avoidance continue, then knowledge and insight aren’t enough. The next step is building new personal abilities.


     The previous generations didn’t know how to develop all of your natural abilities. In counseling, you can assess which ones are undeveloped or off track and choose methods to school yourself in a new skill-set. You can learn better emotional intelligence, confidence, good character and self-control. You will probably need to focus on one of three categories of internal or psychological healing, ability and agility: 

    For Worry Types: Anxiety and Safety or Trust Problems
    For Self- Doubt Types: Identity, Self-Esteem and Emotional Problems
    For Control Types: Power, Aggression, Passivity, Triggers and Anger Problems.


    Self-Mastery Methods
    • Cognitive Restructuring for a Positive Attitude (new self-talk, logic, viewpoints, thoughts and beliefs)
    • Emotional Intelligence and Good Humor (the 20 abilities which make up EQ or Emotional Intelligence, empathy for self and others, optimistic and cheerful)
    • Communication and Relationships (listening and expressing, dialogue vs monologue, love languages, boundaries, problem solving and more - see the list of relationship and marriage methods).
    Trauma, Addiction, Grief and Complicated Bereavement
    Healing and Maturation: Identify the sources of injury, calm the pain, anger and anxiety, use methods to accomplish healing and completion of the transformational journey of adjustment to illness, losses, divorce, violation, ordeals and abuse.

     WHEN SELF-MASTERY DOESN’T DO IT: If you continue to have problems with behavioral coping mechanisms such as bad habits, compulsiveness, conflict, anger, over-work or passivity, you need to develop external or behavioral changes.


    Lifestyle evolves through the lifespan. What is healthy for a child, an adolescent, a young adult, an adult and an elder usually call for differing priorities and maturation. You may be ready for creating the next level of a good life through lifestyle changes, through purposefulness or through community. 

    Relationship & Lifestyle Methods
    • Relationships (friends, children, family, step-families, co-workers, employer) 
    • Marriage & Intimacy (intimate relationships, communication, conflict resolution)
    • Mission and Service (how I like to make a difference in the world)
    • Physical Health and Sexuality (strength, body weight, flexibility, sexual intimacy with a partner, sleep)
    • Self-Regulation and Success (executive ability to plan and reach goals without being too loose or too tight)
    • Social Intelligence and Community (successful friends, happy social life, meaningful organizational ties).

    MA - Applied Psychology.

    LPC-S Licensed Professional Counselor and Supervisor of Counseling Interns.

    Accredited by UTA with a Certificate for Treatment of Trauma and Abuse.

    Licensed to teach continuing education units (CEU'S) for LPC and LMFT.

    1.5 hours is $250.00

    2.0 hours is $300.00

    2.5 hours is $350.0

    3.0 hours is $400.00

    After various jobs and travels, I started Grad school in Psychology when I was 40 years old. I knew it would be the work which would never get old and always allow me to be creative. Over my 30 years of providing counseling, I've developed my own Theory of Practice. I'm known to do intensives (longer sessions) and for my models, methods and practicality delivered with honesty, kindness and good cheer.
    I've worked with all kinds of people but not with small children.
    I'm fond of recently saving two very troubled marriages.
    Talk on the telephone. You can learn so many things from conversation.
    The main thing is to know what makes you feel comfortable...tone, knowledge, interactive conversations. Your sensitivity and comfort with going slowly and gently or fast and practical.

    Services offered

    Life Coaching
    Family Therapy
    Relationship Counseling
    Career Coaching
    Spiritual Counseling