Customized Computer Accounting, Inc.

Customized Computer Accounting, Inc.

Offers online services
Offers online services


We offer personal service in the cloud. Accounting, payroll, tax, attestations. Very thorough.

We can successfully represent and protect your in front of the IRS, State of Michigan Treasury Department, LARA, Unemployment Insurance Agency, or City tax authorities.

Fully paperless payroll, including FREE direct deposit, pay to paycards, employee online access, payroll tax return filing and deposits. All paperless. Also, free custom reports.

CPA attestations for businesses applying for or renewing medical marijuana (cannabis) licenses, acceptable by State of Michigan LARA.

For smaller businesses, including self-employed individuals, we have TALK Accounting. Using your TALK Card, which is a debit card system that works with your smart phone, you can

--reduce or even eliminate the need to hire and train a bookkeeper.

--eliminate the cost and time of accounting software like QuickBooks.

--definitely eliminate the need to keep paper receipts. No more lost receipts!

It is truly the state of the art in paperless bookkeeping.

Here's how TALK Accounting with TALK Cards works. Any employee making a purchase (including you) pays with your TALK Card. As you walk away from the cashier, your phone notifies you with the app. You take a picture of the receipt using the app. Then you simply TALK into your phone what the purchase was for. For example: "bought nails for Main Street property." And you're done! 14 second accounting!

And if, in your business, you receive all of your sales payments via direct deposit (for example, a truck driver or a real estate agent, or many sales positions), you may also be able to eliminate your need for a business bank account as well! It is truly amazing how easy TALK Accounting is!

Do you have 1 or more employees that make purchases for your business? With the TALK Card, you can CONTROL how much they spend, receive a notification each time they make a purchase (if you want), and force them to record all of their receipts. This reduces your cost of bookkeeping, maximizes your tax deductions, and reduces employee "overspending"

The TALK Card with TALK Accounting are optional services we offer. Besides the paperless payroll and CPA attestations mentioned above, income tax preparation for individuals (and couples) and businesses for all 50 states is available. E-filing is included as well as free paperless storage of your tax returns and receipts. Never misplace your copy of your taxes again! It's as close as your Internet connection.

And if you're audited (the IRS calls it "an examination") or just receiving "correspondence" from the IRS, State of Michigan or other tax authority, we can translate the letter(s) and help you to not fear opening the envelope if one arrives. Most can be easily resolved...Especially if you choose us to help you.

Our website is

We are the leaders in using technology to make your tax/payroll/accounting & bookkeeping life easier. Personal & Business.

Helping reduce the burden of government on individuals.


3 employees
28 years in business
Serves Lansing , MI
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle

Photos and videos

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    Ask this provider for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

    Frequently asked questions

    1) Talk with them to their understand needs.

    2) Add their contact info to our system, including giving them access to a free portal to securely submit and store documents.

    3) Create an engagment letter that explains our understanding of what the Client wants. The Client reviews this engagement letter, asks any questions, and then approves the engagement to move forward.

    4) Do the work for the agreed fixed fee in the engagement letter.

    5) Ask the satisfiied Client for reviews and referrals.

    BA Business-Accounting from Michigan State University

    Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in a firm that is a licensed CPA firm.

    Average over 60 hours of training and continuing professional education per year. (Requirment by law is only 40 hours).

    Network with other CPAs in CPA groups to learn best practices and what's going on.

    We offer a value pricing system. That means, except for tax returns which are value billed (and will be explained below), our prices are determined by the value provided to the Client BEFORE the work commences.

    After the Client agrees, there are NO surprises about how much to pay! If it takes us more of our time, that doesn't change your price.

    If you are getting a regular service like payroll, bookkeeping, or accounting, you will know in advance how much and how often you will pay. Easy to budget, easy to pay.

    For tax returns, especially the first year, we can give an estimate range that will limit the price you pay. We then "value bill" which means we charge based on how much value we are providing the Client based on the difficulty of the taxes.

    Our founder, Mike Chaffee, volunteered to prepare taxes for free while a student at Michigan State University. This was supervised through the IRS VITA program. He has been hooked in helping people ever since.

    Our best tax Client is someone with taxes that are difficult for them. We unravel their situation, asking the questions they have never been asked before, and teach them how to optimize their taxes year after year.

    Examples are self-employed people, real estate investors, medical marijuana companies, and people starting a new company. (Under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that goes into effect in 2018, EVERYONE should consider starting their own business, even just a small business on the side of a job. It's the only way 90% of the population will be able to deduct ANYTHING.)

    We just helped a new Client whose accountant had involuntarily retired (due to illness). The accountant hadn't had a chance to prepare the annual sales tax return for this Client before he (the accountant) ended up in the hospital. The State of Michigan Treasury Department was billing the Client $2,000 for the unprepared annual sales tax return.

    We came in, assessed the situation, prepared the annual sales tax return, and just heard from the Client. She received a letter 3 days ago from the State of Michigan saying she owed $0. Felt good to help another new (and now returning) Client!

    You need to match your comfort level with the practitioner. If you want someone to take all of the deductions to which you're entitled, you need to find someone who will do that. Some practitioners are too conservative and won't take something like a home office deduction for example or something else they could. It's almost worse than having the IRS audit your taxes and disallowing your deductions automatically!

    Other "tax preparers" will make up numbers to get you a larger refund. This sounds great, but it may cause you to lose sleep worrying about whether an IRS letter requesting back taxes from your refund PLUS penalties PLUS interest will inevitably show up in your mail.

    We don't take deductions you should not get. However, we DO take ALL deductions you deserve and are legally able to take.

    Find someone who matches your "risk tolerance." 

    Everyone says "My taxes are easy." And they may a professional. The question is: are they easy for you? Do you study the new tax laws and know how they apply to you? What should you change to make your life easier and your refund bigger?

    Would you like someone you can call or email and "ask a quick question?" (The questions are ALWAYS quick; the answers though...well, it depends!) LOL!

    We don't charge for any questions. And nearly all answers are free as well. If an answer requires a fee for your specific situation, we will quote it and receive your approval before we start and before you owe us any fees.

    Services offered

    Business Consulting
    Business Tax Preparation
    Individual Tax Preparation
    Hr And Payroll