BMW Bookkeeping And Tax Services

BMW Bookkeeping And Tax Services

5.0(1 review)
Offers online services
Offers online services


BMW Bookkeeping Service provides excellence and confidential service to customers with personal one-on-one contact to get the customer the best results for their bookkeeping and tax service.

Working with the public and making sure I meet my customers needs is most rewarding.


1 employee
19 years in business
Serves Gretna , LA
Offers online services


Special tax situations

Rental property, Stocks or bonds, Disability, Military service, Foreign income

Employment status

Customer is self-employed, Customer is not self-employed

Filing status

Single, Married filing jointly, Married filing separately, Head of household, Widow(er) with dependent child


0 reviews


J J.

Professional Person
... Show more
April 24, 2021

Frequently asked questions

Customers can contact the office by email or phone call.  Documents can be delivered to the office for processing or received by email.

We have over 45 years of bookkeeping and over 15 years of tax prepartions services.

Standard 1040 or 1040Z cost is $125.00 Direct Deposit fees are $25.00. Bookkeeping charges depend on the size of the business revenue and expenses, starting price $75.00 per month.  All other taxes schedules and documents to process for taxes.

I started out in my career as Office Administration with accounting studies education and Business Law.  I managed a non-profit origination and this experience introduced me to accounting and bookkeeping.

BMW Bookkeeping customer base are Single Individuals, Small Business (Sch C-)/1099 Contractor, None-Profit and Married Filing Joint.

Helping customers get caught up with filing back taxes for up to 10 years.

Speak directly to the bookkeeper and or tax prepare to determine if they can assist you with your needs.  Make sure they understand what your needs are and what it will take to get what you need completed. 99 Contractor, None-Profit and Married Filing Joint.

What results you want.  Be sure to have all documents need to process your taxes.  If Bookkeeping service is what you need be sure that company has access to your documents.

Services offered

Life Coaching
Legal Document Preparation
Business Consulting
Business Tax Preparation
Individual Tax Preparation
Hr And Payroll
Financial Services And Planning