Fiesta Tax Service

Fiesta Tax Service

5.0Exceptional(7 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


We offer the best guarantee in the industry: MaxTax refund guaranteed, Accuracy guaranteed, ID and Audit protection. All of our tax preparers are biligual and certified by the LTPA, and all of our office Managers are IRS Erolled Agents.

Ofrecemos las mejores garantias de la industria: Maximo reembolso garantizado, Presicion garantizada, Proteccion de identidad y de auditoria. Todos nuestros preparadores de impuestos son bilingues y certificados por la LTPA y todos nuestros Gerentes de oficinas son Agentes Registrados del IRS.

At Fiesta Tax Service we love helping our clients, that's why year after year we educate ourselves to keep up with the new tax laws in order to offer the best of our knowledge, but even more, to see our customers grow is the greatest satisfaction we can receive.

En Fiesta Tax Service nos encanta ayudar a nuestros clientes, por eso año tras año nos educamos para mantenemos al dia con las nuevas leyes fiscales para asi poder brindarles lo mejor de nuestro conocimiento, pero mas alla, ver crecer nuestros clientes es la satisfaccion mas grade que podemos recibir.


15 employees
10 years in business
Serves Tampa , FL
Offers online services

Photos and videos

  • Reviews

    0 reviews


    David .

    Numero 1 en su clase
    ... Show more
    January 16, 2019


    Rosaliz A.

    ... Show more
    January 15, 2019


    David A.

    Best peaple best service best company...
    ... Show more
    January 13, 2019



    Profesional service
    ... Show more
    January 12, 2019


    Eric C.

    El Sr. David es el mejor de tampa bay. Especializado y con experiencia en la materia. Lo recomiendo al 💯
    ... Show more
    January 11, 2019


    Joe Z.

    Excelente equipo muy profesional.
    ... Show more
    January 11, 2019

    Frequently asked questions

     After having friendly greeded our client, we interviewed him and listened carefully to his concerns, after having clarified his doubts, we created an action plan and started working for him, always looking for legal solutions that benefit our client.

    Despues de haber amigablemente recibido a nuestro cliente, lo entrevistamos y escuchamos cuidadosamente sus preocupaciones, luego de haber aclarado sus dudas, le creamos un plan de accion y comenenzamos a trabajar para el, siempre buscando soluciones legales que beneficien a nuestro cliente.

    BA in accounting, IRS Enrolled Agent, IRS Certified Aceptance Agent, Certified  Quickbooks Pro Advisor, Fl Notary, Certified Credit Repair Expert, Business Loan Officer, Bilingual...

    Each client is a unique situation, and they are the most important for us, that is why our prices are fair and based on the complexity of each prearacion. In Fiesta Tax Service we quote based on the necessary forms to obtain the maximum reimbursement and / or the maximum deductions that our client qualifies according to the fiscal law. That is why we offer guarantees of maximum reimbursement and guaranteed precision.

    Cada cliente es una situacion unica, y son lo mas importante para nosotros, por eso nuestros precios son justos y en base a la complejidad de cada prearacion. En Fiesta Tax Service cotizamos basandonos en las formas necesarias para conseguir el maximo reembolso y/o las maximas deducciones que nuestros cliente califique segun la ley fiscal. Por eso ofrecemos garantias de maximo reembolso y precision garantizada.

    Services offered

    Business Tax Preparation
    Individual Tax Preparation