Dr. Kelsey Evans-Amalu

Dr. Kelsey Evans-Amalu

5.0(4 reviews)
Offers online services
Offers online services


Somatic coaching considers the holistic element of a person's lived experience in that people do not necessarily change because they have gained knowledge, but rather that they have gained new practices. This means embodying what you learn in a physical way, and not just acquiring cognitively new information. Somatic coaching involves working with clients that are whole, vital, interactive, living beings.

As a PhD in the field of somatics and education, my work is unique in that I offer research backed and personalized approach to personalized healing.


1 employee
9 years in business
Serves Tampa , FL
Offers online services

Social media


Previous coaching experience

Clients with no previous coaching experience, Clients with some previous coaching experience

Coaching topic

Career, Relationships, Positive habits, Stress management, Spirituality

Client age

Under 18, 18 - 25 years old, 26 - 44 years old, 45 - 64 years old, 65 or older


Customers who want to meet one time only, Customers who want to meet weekly, Customers who want to meet monthly, Customers who are open to coaches suggestions


0 reviews


Manny P.

Having previously had issues with anxiety and depression, I knew I wanted to work with someone that was accessible, inclusive, and certified in the best healing modality for my specific need. Dr K was able to curate a program for me that allowed me to access the stress I was feeling in my physical body and use mindfulness tools for self-regulation purposes. I implement them each week, especially when I’m feeling stressed at work.
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July 16, 2022


Justin U.

Dr. Kelsey has been my teacher and coach in yoga and meditation for over 10 years. As an educator and S&C coach, shes who I turn to for all things mindfulness.
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July 14, 2022


Dianah M.

I took several yoga classes with Kelsey and she is phenomenal! She radiates positive energy and love and this is evident in her practice. As a yoga instructor, shes the best that I have experienced because she makes you feel her positivity and her faith in you as her student. Her classes are fun, challenging, and calming. Her dedication to her craft is inspiring and motivational. This is one of those people that you never forget because of the impact that she made in your life. Keep shining bright, Kelsey, and continue sharing your essence with the world.
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July 14, 2022


Kim T.

Dr. K was just what I needed!
I, like many others, found myself facing uncertainty and disconnection while trying to navigate during a pandemic. Mindful meditation and yoga coaching allowed me to regain a sense of normality during a time when nothing seemed normal. Her ability to connect, gently lead, encourage, and uplift allowed me to tap into all that I am and trust that the universe would give me all that I needed. I learned how to implement daily meditation and yoga practices that help me as an educator to meet the needs of my students while caring for myself. I became more centered and intentional while practicing self-care and self-compassion. Dr. K provided a safe space during a time of disconnection and political divisiveness. The tools and insight that she shared are invaluable. If you are looking for a coach, look no further.
... Show more
July 12, 2022

Frequently asked questions

Personalized Somatic Coaching:

Research has shown somatic coaching and contemplative practices are beneficial for self-regulation and increasing pro-social behavior. Although these practices have shown benefit, often, many may find them challenging in beginning something new or maybe they do not know where to start. What can be beneficial in such cases is having someone experienced, guide you through to either teach the basics, personalize a contemplative plan based on what they would like to work on, and offer guidance when uncertain or encountering difficulties.

My desire is to implement a holistic practice that is accessible, honors the varied lineages of where contemplation stems from, and aligns with what the client is looking for. Practices vary and may be movement based, contemplative, rooted in cross-cultural traditions, and aid in pro-social behaviors such as compassion and altruism. We’ll work together one-on-one to help you manage your stress, take care of yourself, and bring some peace and calm to your days. Can be done in person or online.

Somatic Relationships (for couples or any relationship dynamic):

Research has suggested that mindfulness may help sustain and improve relationships. Allowing fuller presence in relationships, building trust and intimacy, creating compassion and gratitude, mindful listening and communication skills all may facilitate relationship dynamics.

For those that are interested in integrating contemplative practices into their partnership, sessions will be designed to cultivate intimacy through the use of compassion, empathy, and emotional regulation. This type of contemplative coaching is especially useful for couples.

Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation: Loving kindness is a contemplative practice that cultivates benevolence towards ourselves and others. Through this practice a series of compassionate phrases will be offered, as an anchor to feeling more grounded, content and loving.

Vipassana (Insight) Meditation: In Pali, Vipassana is translated to “insight”- this type of meditation offers a training of the mind, and the cultivation of a clear awareness of exactly what is happening as it happens.

Guided Visualizations: Visualization is a contemplative practice rooted in the five senses to cultivate a state of calm. Often this meditation technique incorporates imaginative mechanics to guide the practitioner into a present state of being.

Hypnosis for Trauma/PTSD: Hypnosis provides controlled access to memories that may otherwise be kept out of consciousness. New uses of hypnosis in the psychotherapy of PTSD victims involve coupling access to the dissociated traumatic memories with positive restructuring of those memories.

Yoga Nidra: known as yogic sleep, this meditation practice prompts the body to relax deeply while the mind remains inwardly alert.

Contemplative Reading/Journaling: A close reading practice rooted in contemplative or spiritual traditions. Lectio Divina traditionally involves four steps: lectio (reading), meditatio (reflection), oratio (response), contemplatio (rest).

Walking Meditation: Meditation in motion. Invite the contemplative mind into each step, being aware of our body and physical sensations as we move.

Breathwork (Pranayama): Pranayama are yogic breathing techniques used to regulate prana or energy. This type of breathwork incorporates patterns of breath retention, inhalation, and exhalation.

Vinyasa Yoga: “Linking breath with movement”, transitional mindful movement between asanas using the breath as a foundation to the practice.

Yin Yoga: A slow-paced style of yoga as exercise, based on traditional Chinese medicine.

Restorative Yoga: A slower style of yoga, focusing on the parasympathetic nervous system- designed to promote calm and ease.

TBI Yoga: Yoga for Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors- practice is based off the “Love Your Brain” Curriculum.

Chair Yoga: A form of yoga that utilizes a chair as a supportive tool for practice- this style is ideal for everyone and offers inclusive styles of practice.

Kids/Teen Yoga: Yoga and Mindfulness designed for early childhood to adolescence.

In Office Pricing Structure:

A sliding scale is available for price accessibility, and discounted pricing is also available for QTBIPOC clients interested in contemplative practices (See below for more information). You may only choose one out of the intro packages or session. For cancelation less than 24 hours you will be charged the full amount booked.

Individual Pricing (one session)

Introductory Offer 60 minute: $85

30-minute Private Meditation/Yoga: $50

60-minute Private Meditation/Yoga: $100


Two or More People Pricing (one session)

Introductory Offer 60 minute: $135

30-minute Private Meditation/Yoga: $80

60-minute Private Meditation/Yoga: $150


Class Packages

*** Please note, packages expire 6 months after purchase

Individual Pricing

Introductory Offer: 3 (60 min) for $240

5 Pack for 60-minute: $475

5 Pack for 30-minute: $225

10 Pack of 60-minute: $900

10 Pack of 30-minute: $400


Two or More People Pricing

Introductory Offer: 3 (60 min) for $390

5 Pack for 60-minute: $725

5 Pack for 30-minute: $375

10 Pack of 60-minute: $1400

10 Pack of 30-minute: $700



Out of Office Pricing Structure:

I am available for out of office coaching for a nominal upcharge. If interested, please make sure to note this during your initial intake. A sliding scale is available for price accessibility, and discounted pricing is also available for QTBIPOC clients interested in contemplative practices (See below for more information). You may only choose one out of the intro packages or session. For cancelation less than 24 hours you will be charged the full amount booked.


Introductory Offer 60 minute
30-minute Private Meditation/Yoga
60-minute Private Meditation/Yoga
Introductory Offer 60 minute
30-minute Private Meditation/Yoga
60-minute Private Meditation/Yoga
5 pack / 60 minute classes
5 pack / 30 minute classes
10 pack / 60 minute classes
10 pack / 30 minute classes
5 pack / 60 minute classes
5 pack / 30 minute classes
10 pack / 60 minute classes
10 pack / 30 minute classes

Services offered

Life Coaching
Career Coaching