Office Of Louis Alfred Nickolas Stalwart

Office Of Louis Alfred Nickolas Stalwart

Offers online services
Offers online services


The aspect about tax and accountancy that I most enjoy is leveraging accountancy principles and tax policy to ensure that hard - working people can keep more of what they've rightfully earned.


12 years in business
Serves West Park , FL
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Square, Zelle


Special tax situations

Rental property, Stocks or bonds, Disability, Military service, Foreign income

Employment status

Customer is self-employed, Customer is not self-employed

Filing status

Single, Married filing jointly, Married filing separately, Head of household, Widow(er) with dependent child

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    Frequently asked questions

    While the typical process has several touch points, the three that are most important to the process are: pre-consultation, collection of information, and post-consultation. 

    The pre-consutation gives me a platform to explore the prospective client's needs in order to determine if I have the resources at my disposal to best serve them. 

    Collecting all relevant and available information before I begin work ensures that the task at hand is completed in as effecient a manner as possible. 

    The post-consultation gives me the opportunity to ensure that the finished product meets and exceeds the client's expectations.

    My education and training is very heterdox. Nonetheless, I would argue that the aytipical nature of my academic and professional experience gives me the leverage necessary to meet and exceed expectations. 

    I completed a Baccalaureate Degree in Philosophy. While not an Accounting Degree, my studies have nonethess ensured that I possess the level of critical thinking required for (Tax) Accountant to perform to and above standard. 

    I worked as a Professional Accountant in a Boutique tax and accounting firm for 3 years. Not only did I become familiar with the form and function of Accountancy, I also acquired an appreciation for the central role that the client's unique circumstances play in how tax and accounting principles are employed. 

    While there are some services that have a flat fee, most pricing is largely determined by the number of hours spent on a file. 

    I worked under the tutelage of an extremely learned Certified Public Accountant for three years. He brought Accountancy to life for me. 

    The bulk of my clientelle are small business owners. 

    Accountancy, like Mathematics, is not a spectator's sport. Seek an Accountant who know and understand that Accountancy is alive. 

    Prospective clients should know and understand that the object of Accountancy is to provide them with the tools they need to make effective and effecient decisions. Knowing where you want to go will give your (Tax) Accountant more ammunition that you'd imagine. 

    Services offered

    Business Tax Preparation
    Individual Tax Preparation